Case plans are this type of document.
What is dynamic
The Big 4
Antisocial Personality, Criminal Thinking, Criminal Associates, and Antisocial Behavior.
Focus on this category of offenders.
What is high risk.
What is deliver more intense interventions to higher risk offenders.
A Stabilization Factor
What is
Mental Health, Homelessness, Suicidal ideations, withdrawal from drugs, active abuse in the home, substance use/addiction, self-harming behaviors, CSEC
The action items the probationer takes towards achieving a goal.
What are interventions.
Males are at a higher risk of breaking the law
What is true
Another name for Stabilization Factor.
What is Barrier.
What is target criminogenic needs to reduce recidivism.
Items on a Risk/Need Assessment
What are:
Risk level
Stabilization Factors
Completed documentation for the case plan.
What is Goals and Smart interventions.
Poverty is a criminogenic need
What is false
Where the criminogenic needs located on the risk/need assessment.
What is the top right corner of the first page.
What is use cognitive behavioral approaches.
SMART goals
The components of a case plan
What is goal, intervention, referral, and follow up.
Non court ordered criminogenic needs.
Family, Education/Employment, and Leisure/Recreation
Criminogenic needs
What are attributes, characteristics, things that have been clinically proven when present can lead to criminal conduct.
Types of responsivity.
What is general and specific.
List 3 of the 8 Guiding Principles of Evidence Based Practices
What are Risk/Need assessment, Intrinsic Motivation, Target intervention, Skill train with directed practice, increase positive reinforcement, increase ongoing support in the community, measure relevant practices, measure relevant feedback.
This information makes up a case plan.
What is supervision level, services (treatment), and interventions.
The Big 8
Antisocial Personality, Antisocial Behavior, Criminal Thinking, Criminal Associates, Education/Employment, Leisure Recreation, Family, Substance Abuse
Needs to be addressed before criminogenic needs.
What is stabilization factors/barriers.
Antisocial Personality
What is against societal norms.