Yu-Gi-Oh! Scattergories
Seven Deadly Sin-onyms
GOAT Simulator
Rank 1 Xyz
Norse Mythology

K: For the blue dragon altered by an Iron Core

Ko'aki Meiru Drago


Our greed must truly be insatiable if we are willing to banish 10 to draw 2.

Pot of Desires


A powerful limited to 1 removal tool, this user of magic cannot pop a card with ignition priority, as it must use that time to prepare its spell.

Breaker the Magical Warrior


The games first Rank 1, it’s appearance makes it out to be a cuddly, fluffy creature, but beware as it allows powerful Level 1’s to attack directly!

Baby Tiragon


This massive serpent of the world crosses planes into 2 different archetypes in the game, where one day he may cross paths with his bitter rival in the god of thunder.



M: The Effects of Droll & Lock Bird as a continuous Trap



This classic Counter Trap brings judgment from the heavens above upon Monsters whom use their effects!

Divine Wrath


With Scapegoat being a frequent protection tool, this short tempered beast can make it’s opponent pay for  overusing the small goats through a high ATK value and piercing damage.

Gyaku Gire Panda


Can use any number of materials to summon? Has the power to attack directly multiple times? AND it has built in protection? Looks like this bird of prey’s looking to OTK!

Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale


This fearsome being of water carries a title of great significance, named after the legendary spear wielded by the Allfather of the Aesir himself.

Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier


D: Activate Mystic Mine when your Opponent Summons Kashtira Fenrir

Demise of the Land


On the surface, this card seems like a simple one for one removal, but beware, or you will feel the wrath behind it’s archetype’s Link Monsters.

Salamangreat Rage



This martial arts specialist returns to hand any monster that dares to attack and penetrate his defensive stance!


Inspired by the headless fairies of Irish folklore, this rider’s power increases from others of it’s archetype and can cut down the ATK of an opponent's monster before delivering them from life itself.

Ghostrick Dullahan


This champion protects fellow followers and members of his mythology, leading them to battle much like their god of war.

Tyr, of the Nordic Champions


R: This fiendish bird is all you need to Ritual Summon Demise King of Armageddon

Ritual Raven


As if both players not being able to Special summon wasn’t enough, this conceited ”leader” expects more tribute to make this restriction more one sided.

Vanity's Ruler


This Spell Card forms the centerpiece of a strategy that Tributes Monsters for Summoning or for Cards like Enemy Controller and Metamorphosis.

Soul Exchange


This green thumbed Plant’s ability to excavate and add a revealed Spell to your hand mas made it highly usable outside of its own archetype, with the likes of SPYRAL and Purrelly using it’s power.

Sylvan Princessprite



While not based on any 1 particular being, this boss is based on the race of short-statured creatures that are said to reside in the realm of Svartalfheim in Norse Mythology.


N: Your opponent cannot activate the Spell/Trap targeted by this removal spell. Shout out to Dzeef

Night Beam


This prideful primate brings itself to the field by tossing other Beasts aside to make himself seem more powerful.

Egotistical Ape


This Level 7 Dragon can be brought out without tributing monsters, although it will get weaker if you do.

Fusileer Dragon, the Dual-Mode Veast


This construct forces the opponent into a random guessing game of chance with your Extra Deck. Hope you don’t pick the wrong Number that will seal your defeat!

Number 78: Number Archive


The art of Runick Golden Droplet depicts this legendary Norse object, one that multiplies itself every 9 nights.
