What is the adjective in the following sentence?
While walking down the street I saw a pack of wild dogs running my direction.
Spell the word re-suh-pee
Which punctuation mark is used to separate items in a list?
Kind and pleasant; showing warmth and goodwill towards others.
Starts with the letter "F"
Enjoy books reading in my free time I.
I enjoy reading books in my free time.
How many nouns are in the following sentence?
Me and my friends Jenny, Scott and Mark took my car to the mall to eat sushi last night.
Spell the word mow-tr-sai-kl
What punctuation at the end of the sentence expresses strong feelings or emotions?
exclamation point
To travel around or through an unfamiliar place in order to learn more about it.
Starts with the letter "E"
To play soccer went they to the park.
They went to the park to play soccer.
What verb can we use in this sentence?
I can't sleep at night because I spend too much time _________ on my phone.
scrolling, talking, or playing
Spell the word pruh-gresh-uhn
How many commas are missing from following sentence:
“My favorite fruits are apples bananas and oranges.”
Providing assistance or support; willing to aid others.
Starts with the letter "H"
Hard studied for the exam upcoming we.
We studied hard for the upcoming exam.
What are the prepositions in the sentence below?
I stood behind my friend in line at the coffee shop that was on the corner of the street.
behind, at, on
Spell the word kuh-myoo-ni-kay-shuhn
What punctuation is missing from the following sentence:
“Yes I’d like to go to the park.”
A situation or issue that needs to be solved or dealt with.
Starts with the letter "P"
Practices playing she the piano every day.
She practices playing the piano every day.
What is the transition word in the sentence below?
My mom is always complaining that I never finish my work on time therefore I decided to complete my work everyday before dinner.
Spell the word ex-za-jr-ayt
Correct the capitalization and punctuation in this title:
“the adventures of tom sawyer”
“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
Feeling eager, enthusiastic, or thrilled about something.
Helps his homework classmates with he their.
He helps his classmates with their homework.