What is the name of the Alter Rebbe?
Rabbi Schneur Zalman
Why was the Alter Rebbe arrested?
False accusations that he was helping the French Revolution
What day is the Alter Rebbe’s release celebrated on?
Yud Tes Kislev
What is the goal of Chassidus according to the Alter Rebbe?
To make a dwelling place for Hashem in this world
Who were the main opponents of Chassidus in the Alter Rebbe’s time?
The Misnagdim
Which famous sefer did the Alter Rebbe write
The Tanya
What fortress was the Alter Rebbe imprisoned in?
The Peter and Paul Fortress
What is Yud Tes Kislev known as?
The Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus
What is the central focus of Chabad Chassidus?
Understanding the deeper meaning of Torah and mitzvos
What is a farbrengen?
A Chassidic gathering for inspiration
Which country did the Alter Rebbe support during the Napoleonic wars?
Who were the people that sent accusations against the Alter Rebbe to the government?
The Misnagdim
What did the Alter Rebbe encourage after his release?
To spread Chassidus even more
What sefer is a collection of the Alter Rebbe’s maamarim?
Likutei Torah
Which famous Rebbe supported the Alter Rebbe during his arrest?
Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev
What does the word "חב״ד (chabad)" stand for?
(Knowledge) דַּעַת ,(Understanding) בִּינָה ,(Wisdom) חָכְמָה
Who encouraged the Alter Rebbe to go willingly with the soldiers?
Reb Shmuel Munkes
How did the Alter Rebbe describe his release in a letter to his Chassidim?
A sign from Hashem to continue spreading Chassidus
What is the main purpose of the Tanya
To guide every Jew in serving Hashem
What do Chassidim do on Yud Tes Kislev?
Learn extra Chassidus and join a farbrengen
What are the three pillars of Chabad Chassidus?
Chochmah (wisdom), Binah (understanding), Daas (knowledge)
How did the Alter Rebbe spend his time in prison?
Writing letters and teachings to his Chassidim
What famous passuk (verse) is connected to the Alter Rebbe’s release?
"He redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me, for many were with me."
פָּדָה בְשָׁלוֹם נַפְשִׁי מִקְרָב לִי כִּי בְרַבִּים הָיוּ עִמָּדִי
What are the "10 Sefiros" as explained in Chassidus?
The 10 attributes through which Hashem interacts with the world
What is the deeper meaning of "Ayeka" ("Where are you?") as taught by the Alter Rebbe?
Hashem is asking every person, "Where are you in fulfilling your purpose in the world?