What is the name of the Rebbe that was freed from prison?
Schneur Zalman
Which Rebbe wrote the Tanya?
The Alter Rebbe
Which Rebbe introduced the concept that EVERY Jew has value, even the simplest ones?
the Baal Shem Tov
Why didn't the Alter Rebbe say kiddush levana once he had already stopped the boat?
Because he wanted the mitzvah to be done in a way of nature, not a miracle
The miracles of Chanukah happened during the ________ Beit Hamikdash.
Yud Tes Kislev is called the ____ _____ of chassidus
Rosh Hashana
Why is it important to learn the part of Torah called "Chassidus"?
In this generation before Moshiach, we need Chassidus to strenthen our Yiddishkiet.
Which number Rebbe is the Alter Rebbe?
The first
Explain what a Dirah Btachtonim is
Making this physical world into a place that is holy, filled with G-dliness, a place that Hashem feels at home
What is the lesson of the mashal of the King grinding up his crown jewel for his sick prince?
Even though Chassidus is really the deepest parts of Torah, it was necessary to reveal it to help strenthen our Yiddishkiet
Because we always ADD in holiness!!