An archetype that allows for you to tribute continuous spells and traps for tribute summons
true dracos
a young duelist attends an academy to get better at dueling
yugioh gx
moye, longuan, chengying
a normal monster is typically refered to as
a vanilla
snake eyes one card starter/zombie handtrap
snake eyes ash blossom and spring
a mechanical archtype that specializes in changing their level for xyz summons
a spirit advises this young boy and makes him better at dueling
yugioh zexal
ash, oak, birch
snake eyes
A good card that can be used in many Decks
a staple card
a destiny hero monster that require 3 tributes/the highest level ritual monster for a religious archetype of extra deck haters
destiny hero dogmatika alba zoa
an archetype they lets you ritual summon monsters by tributing your opponents monsters
A.I are threatening the cyberverse unless the main character stops him
yugioh vrains
lanius, lanius, lanius
A deck that can only be beaten by itself
teir 0
a single target monster negate trap that also works in the graveyard/ a full board monster negate
breakthrough skill drain
an archetype of small monster profiecient in stopping your opponent in the battle phase
main character invents a new format
yugioh rush duels
vier, nachster, drei
cyber dragon
a monster with high ATK usual doesn't have a relevant effect
a beatstick
a level 7 spell caster that sends a monster to special summon itself/ one of goat formats most used searchers
diabellstar the black witch of the black forest
an archetype that summon high level monsters on the field for reverse synchro summons
the main character invents a new summoning type mid game
yugioh arc v
voltic, ice edge, rosebud
elemental heros
A monster that generates card advantage either when it's Summoned or when it leaves the field
a floater
a spell card showing all the rescue animals/ the firefighter base of operations
Emerging Emergency Rescute Rescue-ace HQ