What does Yugi do to defeat Mako Tsunami?
He destroyed his own moon spell card with Stone Soldier.
How many episodes did it take to defeat Sledgehammer?
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Who was Yuma dueling when he first met Astral?
How many series are there in Yugioh GX
What's the name of Duke Devlin's Game
Dungeon Dice Monsters
How many episodes did it take to defeat Fabio?
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What type of Monster cards those Astral need to get his memory back?
Number Cards
Does Zain die and if so why?
Yes he does. Because after the underground duels he had a weak heart.
How many episodes did it take Yugi to defeat Pegasus
How many duels did Yuya lose?
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Does Yuma ever duel Astral?
When did Zain die?
When he was dueling evil Jesse.
What are the names of the Millennium Items?
1. Millennium Puzzle
2. Millennium Eye
3. Millennium Ring
4. Millennium Scale
5. Millennium Key
6. Millennium Rod
7. Millennium Necklace
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What is Jack's signature card?
Red Dragon Archfiend
How many times does Kite lose?
How many times did Jaden lose?
How many pieces are there in the Millennium Puzzle?
What did Yuya win in his duel against Sledgehammer?
A new Arc system
What's Yusei's best Monster
Shooting Quasar Dragon
Does Astral wear earrings?
Who defeats Supreme King Jaden.?
No one but Axel does draw with him.