ABC Buster Dragon
"A-Assault Core" + "B-Buster Drake" + "C-Crush Wyvern"
Standby Phase? Main Phase? Battle Phase?
Evenly Matched
This card is widely regarded as the most toxic card to ever exist. So much so that people on Konami streams would rip it apart to show their disdain!
Mystic Mine
Great beast of the sky please hear my cry!
The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode
This card has been notorious for being a mirror match killer. Seen across multiple formats. Your opponent's extra deck didn't stand a ghost of a chance.
Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries
Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
"Dark Magician" + "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" or 1 Dragon Effect Monster
With this one card, players were getting a fusion monster and 2 normal summons!
Brilliant Fusion
This card allowed an archetype to link summon monsters just by using one link monster with the same name!
Salamangreat Sanctuary
I'm the one delivering presents when I give you this card. Enjoy your draw
Santa Claws
Introduced to make his Shaddoll deck capable of dealing with Burning Abyss and Qliphort and those decks myriad of set traps/floodgates. Jeff Jones is credited with finding this solution that would be used to deal with backrow to this day.
Denko Sekka
Predaplant Dragostapelia
1 Fusion Monster + 1 DARK monster
Screw Pot of Greed! This card says I can draw up to 3!
Card of Demise
This card is insane! I get a search and I get to lock a set S/T card until the end phase. And if they don't use it they lose it!
Trickstar Light Stage
Perceived as the best of these MONSTERS. This card didn't have a useful effect. It was just the easiest to swing over!
Gameciel, the Sea Turle Kaiju
Introduced into the incredibly link heavy 2019 format, This marvel villain looking card was incredibly expensive because it had application against every meta deck of the time.
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
Dante, Pilgrim of the Burning Abyss
3 "Burning Abyss" monsters with different names
This single card can search 269 different cards!
This field spell had different effects based on whether you were fusion summoning or link summoning! It also searches a monster of it's archetype.
Prank-Kids Place
This critter just wants to be included. You'll have to include it if you try to summon from the extra deck.
Contact ''C''
The Zoodiac players found their KEY to dealing with the True Draco trap cards in this quickplay spell, and the supposed drawback to the card only gave the Zoodiac monsters a boost!
This card was in every extra deck during it's era. It's the only extra deck monster of it's archetype to be different than all the others
Predaplant Verte Anaconda
The only field spell that acts as a spell speed 4 when one of it's effects are triggered.
Chicken Game
I hope you have a way to clear this card from your field. If not all your spells you activate are negated and destroyed!
Destiny HERO - Dark Angel
Every deck was struggling against Nekroz of Trisuhula in 2015. Until someone found this card that would return Trishula's effect back at their opponent two-fold!
Mirror of the Ice-Barrier