YV Handbook
Please provide three examples of what would constitute a critical. 

Possible Answers:

Police involvement both with and without arrest 


Psychiatric Hospitalization 

Out-of-school suspension

Abuse Neglect Report has been filed 

Physical Aggression towards specialist 


How many sessions should a family hold in one week and how long do you have to enter session notes? 

A family should hold three sessions a week unless otherwise advised by the LPE. Expectations are for session notes to be completed and submitted within 24 hours. 


Provided to leadership and includes the living situation.    

What is the discharge notification.  


Who needs to be contacted weekly?

The family and an email to the youth's caseworker or care coordinator.


When does the family receive a copy of the YV Handbook? and when is it discussed?

During an admission session. 


How long do you have to report a critical incident to a supervisor? 

Critical incidents should be reported within 15 minutes of specialist finding out the information. 

What are the four sections of family session note?

The Narrative 


Clinical Observation 



Name three YV Services besides Intensive In-Home. 





-Crisis Services

-Mephis Allies 


When sending the weekly email to the youth's caseworker or care coordinator who should be CC'd?

- Program Representative 

- Clinical Supervisor 


During the admission session name at least three important topics that needs to be discussed using the YV Handbook. 

Acceptable answers:


Rights/Responsibilities /Expectations 

Grievance Policy/Procedure 

What is Youth Villages 

Your role in treatment 

Initial Safety Planning/ Safety policy

Sexual Health Education 


What are some steps that could be done when stabilizing a family in-crisis over the phone for a youth who is showing physical aggression? 

Potential Answers but not the only correct answers: 

-Gathering information on what has caused the escalation in order to define the trigger or why behind the behavior. 

- After assessing what is causing the physical aggression and using collaborative problem solving if applicable.

-Ensuring that the lockbox is being used properly and assessing youth has access to anything that could be used as a weapon.

 - Coaching family through using a de-escalation or exit-and-wait plan. If the family does not have these plans already work with the family to make the plans. 

- Reaching out to support people for potential support or respite 

- Offering the youth coping skills


What should be included in the session narrative for a family session note? 

- Who was present for the session

-Session Objectives 

- Interventions Used in Session

-Families response to interventions 


True or False: The family requested to be discharged 4 months into services because you made an abuse/neglect report. The youth is still in the home. This is a successful discharge.  



At the beginning of the week what needs to be completed with the youth and youth's caregiver?



There is a specific topic in the YV Handbook that does not pertain to Intercept. What is it?



True or False:

If you are able to stabilize a critical without needing support, you do not need to contact your supervisor and make them aware of the critical. 



What components must be in a homework assignment for a session note? 

Possible Answer needs to include italicized word:  

Homework assignments need to be measurable. They should be realistic, and the staff member should be making a plan to follow up. 


This department contacts youth’s families at discharge, 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months for follow up. 

What is the Reserarch Department?


Name three weekly meetings a FIS must attend unless cleared by leadership. 

- Consult 

- Group 

- Development 


What does the last page in the YV Handbook discuss?

Spoken Here - Many families may not need this, but it is important to familiarize yourself with this service. 


If a family is unsure of the police report number for a critical with law enforcement involvement how can you get the police report number? 

Possible Response:

-The family can call the department who responded to the incident and ask for the police report number. 

-The specialist can call with the family and ask for a police report number 


What is the process of completing documentation in session with your families called? 

Collabortive Documentation
True or False: A youth is discharged the same day the discharge paperwork is signed. 



These plans are due every week who needs be listed in the additionally submit to box.

Treatment Plans 

LPE - Melanie Hartless 


On the conditions of admission page in the YV handbook what can we highlight?

The family is not charged anything for this service.