Nursing Request
PM Request
Cottage Expects
Counselor's Request

True or False: I can stop taking my meds if they are making me "feel bad". No need to write a request. 

False: Let nursing know what symptoms you're having so that they can speak with Dr. Melton and changes can be made if need be. 


What days can you fill out a PM Request form? 

Any day of the week. 


True or False: We're expected to walk around the carpet in the rec area because YV doesn't want us to be lazy and wants to make my life difficult!

*eye roll*

False! Walking around the rec is a safety precaution that decreases the chances of youth engaging in physical/verbal altercations as well as helps set healthy boundaries. 


How long can it take for the counselor to respond to your request? 

The goal is within 24h depending on the severity of your request.

Note: Keep in mind if you don't give enough details in your request the first time, it may take longer for your counselor to respond to you. 


"Writing grievances doesn't change anything. If I want to see change, I have to do it myself." 

Is this an accurate or inaccurate thought about the grievance forms? 

Inaccurate! Yes, it does take time to problem solve some situations, and our CSL might not be able to give you 100% of what you want but, it is ALWAYS worth it to get assistance if you feel it is needed and can help make things better during your treatment. 


One of my meds is making me feel drowsy during school even if I slept through the night. I told one of the nurses during Med pass, but my meds still haven't been changed. 

How can a request help in this scenario?

1) It gives nursing a hard copy of your concerns to read over when they aren't busy with med pass. 

2) It gives you a chance to give more details about your concerns than you would be able to give during Med pass. 


True or False: I have a great idea for a place the group can go to for a GBO outing! I should write to Mr. Hill and pitch my idea!

True! GBO outings are important in treatment and if you have an idea that could possibly get approved you should share your ideas!


When I'm at home, my family doesn't care how long I take to do my hygiene at night and in the morning. When I tried to use the same amount of time here, staff asked me to leave the bathroom several times before turning off the water. 

What was the expectation in this moment?

1) The expectation is to stick the amount of time each youth is given daily to complete morning and evening hygiene. 

2) Communicate with staff that I need assistance to keep track of time while in the restroom so everyone gets a fair turn. 


True or False: If my mentor or family are wanting to schedule a visit with me, my counselor wants me to immediately tell them the next time I see them on campus. 

False: I can use the counselor's request to communicate this information so they can contact the mentor/family and get things scheduled. 


True or False: I hate the food in the cafeteria. If I write 10+ grievances about it, the CSL will get the menu changed! 

False! The menus are setup and approved by the FDA. Cafeteria staff can only serve each youth what is approved on their dietary plan. 


True or False: The café added food to my tray that I'm allergic to. I should write a nurses request to ask them about removing the food from my dietary plan. 

Trick Question! Not necessarily, nursing should be up to date with all of your allergies. If you notice anything new, you can let nursing know about your symptoms. 

Note: Assertively communicate with staff and the café why it is unsafe for you to eat the specific food. Follow up with nursing to make sure it gets added to your dietary restrictions list. 


What day does Mr. Hill respond to PM request?



I'm playing a really good game of UNO with my peers during low hobby. I'm on the verge of winning but another peer has become escalated and is going into crisis. 

What is the expectation in this moment? 

1) Make sure I am not near the youth in crisis/move away from them to remain safe, and prepare from any instructions from staff.  

2) Follow staff prompts on where they want me and the group to go example: bedrooms or the patio. 


True or False: My counselor mentioned I have a CFTM coming up and I can't remember the date. I can use a counselor's request to ask her for the date again. 

True! You can also use your request form as a hard copy reminder to keep in your room once you've gotten the date and time. 


True or False: The "grievance lady" is only here to help us when we don't like something about the food, our peers/staff, and campus. 

False! Our CSL is able to do many things to assist you on campus! She can help resolve conflicts, get needs met that staff/counselors may not be able to help with, check in on family, advocate for you to participate in activities on campus and much more! 


True or False: I was hurt "very badly" (no broken bones or bleeding) while playing a game with my peers in rec. I should demand my TC/TA take me to nursing or go into crisis until someone lets me go. 

False: Request a nursing request form and either take it with you during Med Pass or ask if you can be seen by nursing sooner to be checked out. 

Patience is key if nothing is broken or severely bleeding!


My mentor bought me the cutest outfits ever for birthday this month! The front desk says they have to "hot box them first" but I want to take them to the cottage with me after the visit.

 Will writing a PM request help in this scenario?

No, the rules for receiving new items goes as follows:

1) View items during the visit as permitted by the front desk staff. 

2) Clothes/shoes are hot box treated NO EXCEPTIONS! 

3) Your PM or Supervisor checks for appropriateness and safety of every item. 

4) Your items are brought down to the cottage once they're deemed safe/hot box treated. 


I need to go to the bathroom. I raised my hand but, staff asked me to wait until her partner comes out the staff office. I really have to go and can't hold it anymore. 

 What is the expectation in this moment?

1) The expectation is to wait until the staff comes out of the office. 

2) Go during scheduled bathroom breaks; even if I DON'T think I have to go. 


I wrote my counselor a request stating "I need to talk to you." How might your counselor respond to this request?

1) They may give it back and ask for more information. 

2) It might take longer before they can respond to me because they don't know what I'm asking to talk to them about. 

3) I might have to wait until my session before we can talk because I didn't say how severe the issue was. 


I had an argument with my staff. She asked me to respect her boundaries however, I was in crisis and I got in her face and yelled at her anyway. Now my staff is asking for some space and I think she hates me! 

Can a grievance help in this moment?

Yes! Our CSL is awesome at helping staff and youth problem solve after a conflict has happened. She can be a great mediator to help you all come up with ways to rebuild the rapport and move forward as a team!


I recently had surgery and my symptoms are as follows: nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness. 

Can a nurses request help in this scenario?

Yes! It will alert nursing that you may need to go back to the ER and be assessed. NEVER suffer in silence! Let staff and nursing know immediately what's going on so we can get you the help you need! 


My counselor got me last this week for session and I HATE going last!

Was the PM request form the correct form to use?

Maybe! Your PM does not decide when you have sessions every week however, they can express your concerns to your counselor if you're nervous to tell them yourself. 

Note: It's best to talk to your counselor directly and be honest about how you feel. They'll understand!


I'm feeling dysregulated and desperately want a timeout! Leadership is saying that outside is no longer an option for timeouts but I really don't want to go to my room right now. 

What is the expectation in this moment?

1) Work with staff to figure out a space in the cottage that I can safely have my time out. *Remember, to rejoin the group once my time is over.

3) Use either an internal or external coping skill if staff ask me to wait or say that time outs are not an option at the moment. 

2) Take a deep breath! Try to be understanding of the safety concerns around going outside and give the other options staff give me a chance. 


My DCS team told me my discharge date is next week but my counselor hasn't said anything yet. I can use the form to curse/yell at them about how upset I am because they haven't told me yet! 

What is appropriate & inappropriate in this scenario?

Appropriate: Asking for clarity on the information DCS has shared with me and ask why I didn't hear this from my counselor. 

Inappropriate: Cursing and yelling (using all caps) to communicate my frustration with my counselor. 


Which one of these scenarios should be written on a grievance form?

a) The food sucks and I want to eat McDonald's tonight for dinner. 

b) I had a disagreement with a peer/staff and can't figure out how to resolve it. 

c) I'm concerned that my YV team (RES, EDU, REC, and counselor) don't take my concerns seriously.

d) All of the above, ESPECIALLY A!

e) B and C

The answer is E! Both concerns can be addressed by your CSL.