Listen Strategically
Face First
Finding A Yes That Matters
What Outweighs Service
Providing The Why Behind

Youth Villages describes listening strategically as…

What is striving to give undivided attention and utilizing active listening


When delivering bad news it is best to utilize Face to face or by ____ when that is not an option.

What is Phone


This is the _____ Collum of the YV Way.

What is third. 


What Outweighs Service is the ___ of 5 columns on the YV Way Pillar.

What is Fourth.


What is the Why Behind?

What is Provide/demonstrate a purpose.


Meeting the person’s true_____ is a example of how Youth Villages Employees demonstrate listening strategically.

What is need. 


When communicating effectively with internal customers, healthy ______-______ is key.

What is Cross-Functional


When it comes to finding a yes that matters, we are trying to meet the person’s true ______?

What is Need.


These are specific individuals who support our youth and families and are often participants of CFTMS.

What is Collaterals


Give an example of your why behind. 

what is Be the change/help I needed when I was growing up.


Finding something you have in common; showing empathy; building rapport with people; Learning their names are examples of

What is cultivating the relationship


When talking with external customers we should utilize their _____ as often as possible.

What is their name.


We have to be open to ______ to find a yes that matters.

What is Negotiate.


Youth Villages places much emphasis on building ______ with families, in which helps with engagement and alignment during the treatment process.

What is Relationships.


Explain the why behind that makes sense and is ____.                      

What is Clear


In what situation should a Youth villages staff ask for permission and provide an explanation

Placing someone on hold


When an external customer expresses concern with us about another youth villages employee we should ____.

What is Engage in active listening but redirect back to how you can be of assistance in your roll. We do not throw each other under the bus.


When we’re trying to find out how the person feels about the situation, what should we ask to help find the true need?

What is "What do you think?"


After analyzing the demands of our positions, it is ALWAYS important to put our clients in this position.

What is First.


Be willing to accept and respond to questions about the why behind without becoming ________. 

What is Defensive


What strategy is used when working with an irate customer? Provide the mononym and its meaning

What is 2LAST-Within 2 minutes of discovering an issue make contact with the individual; Listen Strategically; Apologize Strategically; Solve the Problem; Thank them


When it comes to Face First we want to leave people in A.W.E. of our customer service. AWE stands for.

What is Appearance, Words, Energy.


Surveys are important to review and use because the help improve our ________?

What is Customer Service.


What symbol is used to illustrate Youth Villages pillar “What Outweighs Service?”

What is the Scales of Justice


People respond to your why more than your ______ or _____.           

What is What and How.