Who does it?
Service & Activities
Salvation & Exaltation

Conducts during class presidency meeting

The YW class president (or first counselor if she isn't there).


Why do we have activities?

"These should help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Service and activities should build testimonies, strengthen families, foster class unity, and provide opportunities to bless others. They should be balanced among four areas of personal growth: spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual."


What Sundays do we have YW (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th)?

2nd & 4th


The Work of Salvation & Exaltation has four parts. 

(Hint: L,C,I,U)

Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Caring for those in Need

Inviting all the Receive the Gospel

Uniting Families for Eternity


List three things you can do to bless the girls in your class. 

Share your idea! Then write them down!


Decideds who will teach Sunday classes

The whole class presidency follows revelation to know which girl or leader they should ask to teach. 


Write down 3 ideas for activites in the "spritiual" category. 

Share and then write them down so you remember them!

What does the person conducting do at the end of the lesson?

1. Thank the teacher(s)

2. Bear Testimony on the topic

3. Announce who will say the closing prayer


Name two activities we have already done this year to further the work of salvation and exaltation.

Temple Trips

Service Scavenger Hunt

Fireside with Patriarch Davis


Why do we have a class presidency?

Class Presidencies "plan to help young women draw closer to the Savior and engage in the work of salvation and exaltation." And minister and care for the girls in their class. 


Plans service and activities

The class presidency! Ask girls in your class what activities they would enjoy and plan some that are meaningful!


True or False: Activities should be planned two weeks in advance. 

False! The handbook reccomends having activities planned for 3 months in advance! Why do you think that is?


What does it mean when someone says, "It's your turn to conduct in YW."?

You get to start our meeting! 

Ask a YW to pray and another to lead the theme before class starts. When it is time, you will: 

1. Welcome everyone

2. Announce who is saying the prayer and doing the theme

3. Announce birthdays and activities

4. Invite girls to share their goals


How can YW minister to others? 

We can all minister to anyone around us! All YW greet ward members on Sundays. YW 14+ can be given specific ministering assignments from the RS. 


How can we support our YW in making and accomplishing goals? 

Share! And then write it down somewhere where you can remember it. 


Attends ward youth council

The YW class president (or first counselor if she can't).


How do we pay for activites?

"Activities, including supplies, are paid for by the ward budget. Travel and expenses should not be excessive. Budget for the young women is based on the number of young women in the ward."


We are supposed to "counsel together" each Sunday. What does that mean?

Led by the person conducting the meeting, the class or quorum spends 5 to 10 minutes counseling together about their responsibilities in the work of salvation and exaltation. This is an opportunity for the class or quorum presidency to follow up on items discussed in presidency meeting or ward youth council meeting.


Three ways we could participate in the work of salvation and exaltation in our class. 

Family History Work. Invite a friend night. Meet the Missionaries. Journaling. Scripture Based Games. Watch a church video. Bring dinner to a family in need. Sing hymns together. Scripture Skits...


No right answer, just be honest, how many of you can recite the YW theme from memory?


Makes agendas, takes role, and writes down everything

The Secretary

What are three activities we could do to serve others?

Share and write them down so you can remember!


The YW now have a 'ministering assignment' each Sunday. What is it?

YW welcome people into sacrament meeting and help them find a set (if needed). 


Set a goal as a presidency. What will you do before the end of the year to further the work of salvation and exaltation with your class? 

Share your goal and write it down where you can look at it again. 


How often do we have class presidency meetings? 

"Young Women class presidencies meet regularly."

What does that mean to you? When would you like to meet? Decide and write it down!