"Sing a Song With..."
"History & Legends"
"Name that Movie"
"Halloween Traditions"
Cause this is thriller, thriller night And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike You know it's thriller, thriller night You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOnqjkJTMaA
How do you use salt on Halloween?
Throw it over your LEFT shoulder.
When is Halloween celebrated?
October 31st.
One man, one woman, war; she dies; he kills himself; he becomes a "monster".
Dracula (By Bram Stoker)
Name at least 7 Halloween traditional elements.
Black Cat Jack O'lantern Witches Trick or Treating Bobbing for Apples The Colors Orange, Black & Purple Costumes Cauldrons Spiders Bats
My friends are gonna be there too I'm on the highway to hell On the highway to hell Highway to hell I'm on the highway to hell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEPmA3USJdI
Why do you put your clothes on inside out and walk backwards on Halloween night?
To meet a witch.
What does Halloween "stand for"?
The word Halloween is a shortening of All Hallows' Evening also known as Hallowe'en or All Hallows' Eve.
One husband, one wife, two children, one uncle, one hand.
The Adam's Family.
What's the origin of the "Black Cat" superstition?
The black cat's bad reputation dates back to the Dark Ages, when witch hunts were commonplace. Elderly, solitary women were often accused of witchcraft, and their pet cats were said to be their "familiars," or demonic animals that had been given to them by the devil.
"I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed Get along with the voices inside of my head You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy" DOUBLE SCORE IF: "Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just friends with the I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed Get along with the voices inside of my head"
How do you break the "7-year bad luck" spell for breaking a mirror?
To break the spell of misfortune, you must wait seven hours (one for each year of bad luck) before picking up the broken pieces, and bury them outside in the moonlight.
What are the Halloween origins?
Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain (pronounced "sah-win"). The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture.
One boy, one dog; dog dies and comes back.
Pet Sematary
What's the story behind "Jack O'Lantern"?
Celtic folklore tells the tale of a drunken farmer named Jack who tricked the devil, but his trickery resulted in him being turned away from both the gates of heaven and hell after he died. Having no choice but to wander around the darkness of purgatory, Jack made a lantern from a turnip and a burning lump of coal that the devil had tossed him from hell. Jack, the story goes, used the lantern to guide his lost soul; as such, the Celts believed that placing Jack-o'-lanterns outside would help guide lost spirits home when they wander the streets on Halloween.
"You loved me and I froze in time Hungry for that flesh of mine But I can't compete with the she-wolf, who has brought me to my knees" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uweWiCLT8Eg
If your palm itches, you ________________________. If you itch it, _________________________________.
...will soon receive money. ...your money will never come.
Who brought the Halloween tradition to America?
Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America.
One man, one vigilante, he is shot, the actor dies.
The Crow
Why do people wear costumes on All Hallow's Eve?
The superstition was that the visiting ghosts could disguise themselves in human form, such as a beggar, and knock on your door during Samhain asking for money or food. If you turned them away empty-handed, you risked receiving the wrath of the spirit and being cursed or haunted. Another Celtic myth was that dressing up as a ghoul would fool the evil spirits into thinking that you were one of them so that they would not try to take your soul. In the U.S., trick-or-treating became a customary Halloween tradition around the late 1950s, after it was brought over by Irish immigrants in the early 1900s.
I don't want to be buried in a Pet Sematary, I don't want to live my life again, I don't want to be buried in a Pet Sematary, I don't want to live my life again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3J0iwwsq-w
Seeing a black cat is a sign of bad luck. What a "cat sign" of good luck?
Dreaming about a WHITE cat.
When was the Halloween tradition brought to the New World?
Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century.
one girl, powers, revenge.
What do the Halloween colors mean?
The traditional Halloween colors of orange and black actually stem from the pagan celebration of autumn and the harvest, with orange symbolizing the colors of the crops and turning leaves, while black marks the "death" of summer and the changing season. Over time, green, purple and yellow have also been introduced into the color scheme of Halloween decorations.