The amount of (first) cousins Zach has
What is 5?
Zach's dream job
What is being a counselor who takes people fishing?
Zach's favorite color
What is purple (GO HUSKIES)?
What Zach was wearing on your first date
What is a pink short sleeve button up, jeans, and his north face fuzzy jacket?
Zach's shoe size
What is 11?
The names of Zach's two best friends
What are Ashray and Andrew?
A country Zach would love to visit
What is New Zealand?
Zach's favorite movie
What is Kung Fu Panda?
Zach's first job
What is YMCA daycare?
What are basketball and football?
Zach's top love language
What is quality time?
Zach's dream car
What is a Toyota Tacoma?
Zach's favorite subject at school
What is math?
The name of Zach's first pet
What is a beta fish named Colorado?
Zach's favorite holiday
What is Christmas OR Regan's birthday?
Zach's lowest love language
What are gifts?
Zach's dream vacation destination
What is Costa Rica (with Regan)?
Zach's favorite pizza topping*
What is chicken?
What Zach would save in a fire first (provided Regan is safe)
What is his Bible?
What Zach would take on a deserted island, if he could only take one thing (& if he can't take Regan)
What is a fishing rod?
Zach's biggest pet peeve
What are people who go to sleep sweaty?
The superpower Zach would pick if he could have any superpower
What is the ability to breathe underwater?
Zach's favorite song*
What is Jesus Freak OR Gratitude?
The first thing Zach would buy if he won the lottery
What is a house?
The amount of times Zach had to take his driving test
What is once?