The Walker School has this many periods in a day
Was ist fuenf?
This many are in a dozen.
Was ist zwoelf?
There are this many states -- officially, no 'territories' -- in the US.
Was ist fuenfzig?
This many minutes in an hour.
Was ist sechzig?
The number of seconds in twenty minutes
Was ist eintausendzweihundert?
Die Nummer von Tagen in einer Woche
Was ist sieben?
This many are in a baker's dozen.
Was ist dreizehn?
Typically, you must be this old to rent a car.
Was ist fünfundzwanzig?
35 x 2 + 7 = ?
Was ist siebenundsiebzig?
The largest six-digit number.
Was ist neunhunderttausendneunhundertneunundneunzig?
Die Anzahl von Tagen am Wochenende.
Was ist zwei?
At this age in the US, you may start driving.
Was ist sechzehn?
(60 + 2) / 2 = ?
Was ist einunddreißig?
Der Fall der Berliner Mauer im Jahr 19__.
Was ist neunundachtzig?
The number of residents in Roswell, GA
Was ist vierundneunzigtausend?
Frau Derenne has lived in this many states in the US.
Was ist vier?
At this age in Germany, you may start driving.
Was ist achtzehn?
Das Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs (WWII) im Jahr 19__.
Was ist fünfundvierzig?
8 x 8 + 1=
Was ist fuenfundsechzig?
The number of Pokemons.
Was ist eintausendundacht?
A normal guitar has this many strings.
Was ist sechs?
Frau Derenne has been to this many countries.
Was ist zwoelf?
It takes approximately this many minutes for me to drive to school in the morning.
Was ist fuenfunddreissig?
Originally from an 80's German pop song: "__ red balloons, floating through the summer sky..."
Was ist neunundneunzig?
Average number of characters in Harry Potter
Was ist siebenhundert?