Which conditional?
Make the conditional
Fill in the blank
Transform the sentence

If you clean your room first, I will help you.

a. Zero conditional

b. First conditional

c. Second conditional

First conditional (If + present, will + verb)


When is zero conditional used?

a. to show an unlikely or impossible outcome that probably wouldn’t happen (unless a specific condition were met)

b. to show an outcome that happens if a specific repeated condition is met

c. to show a likely or possible outcome that will probably happen if a specific condition is met

b. to show an outcome that happens if a specific repeated condition is met


Make a zero conditional sentence. 

if / I / wake up late / I / be late for work

If I wake up late, I am late for work.


If I played the lottery, I ______ (have) a chance to hit the jackpot.

would have


Chuck isn't stupid, but he failed his midterm exam because he didn't study for it.

If Chuck studied, he probably would not fail his midterm exam.


I can't sleep if my roommate snores loudly.

a. Zero conditional

b. First conditional

c. Second conditional

a. Zero conditional (If + present, present)


When do we use the first conditional?

a. to show an unlikely or impossible outcome that probably wouldn’t happen (unless a specific condition were met)

b. to show an outcome that happens if a specific repeated condition is met

c. to show a likely or possible outcome that will probably happen if a specific condition is met

c. to show a likely or possible outcome that will probably happen if a specific condition is met


Make a second conditional sentence. 

if / I / meet a genie / I / ask him for three wishes

If I met a genie, I would ask him for three wishes.


Wood ______ (not burn) if there is no air.

does not burn


I want to work outside today, but that won't be possible because it's raining.

If it weren't/wasn't raining, I would work outside today.


If they go for a walk, they turn the lights off.

a. Zero conditional

b. First conditional

c. Second conditional

a. Zero conditional (If + present, present)


When do we use the second conditional?

a. to show an unlikely or impossible outcome that probably wouldn’t happen (unless a specific condition were met)

b. to show an outcome that happens if a specific repeated condition is met

c. to show a likely or possible outcome that will probably happen if a specific condition is met

a. to show an unlikely or impossible outcome that probably wouldn’t happen (unless a specific condition were met)


Make a zero conditional sentence. 

if / you / heat up ice / it / melt

If you heat up ice, it melts.


If you ________ (not do) the homework, you __________(be punished)

do not do / will be punished


I will try to give your message to Ted, but I'm not sure whether I will see him or not.

If I see Ted, I will give him your message.


Would you be surprised if it snowed in July?

a. Zero conditional

b. First conditional

c. Second conditional

c. Second conditional (If + past, would + verb)


What are the verb tense differences between the zero conditional and the first conditional?

a. If + past, would + verb / If + present, present

b. If + present, present / If + present, will + verb

c. If + present, will + verb / If + past, would + verb

b. If + present, present / If + present, will + verb


Make a first conditional sentence. 

if / you / forget my birthday / I / never speak to you again

If you forget my birthday, I will never speak to you again.


If I ___________ (be) a baby, I __________ (sleep) and _______ (play) all day long. (The fact is, you are NOT a baby now)

were, would sleep, (would) play


My boss wants to send me to Japan. I will try the sushi.

If my boss sends me to Japan, I will try the sushi.


If I had time, I would learn to play the guitar.

a. Zero conditional

b. First conditional

c. Second conditional

c. Second conditional (If + past, would + verb)


What are the other names for the first and second conditionals?

a. Real conditional / Unreal conditional

b. Unreal conditional / Real conditional

c. They don't have any other names

a. Real conditional / Unreal conditional


Make a first conditional sentence. 

if / the weather / be sunny tomorrow / we / go surfing

If the weather is sunny tomorrow, we will go surfing.


What cities _______ you _________ (visit) if you went to South Africa?

would / visit


Kathy wants to go to the cinema but doesn't have any money.

If Kathy had money, she would go to the cinema.