Which conditional?
Make a sentence
Fill in the gaps
Correct the mistakes

What type of conditional is this?

If you have to do the washing up, I will help you.

First conditional


When do we use zero conditionals?

To talk about real situations in the present and things that are always true.


Make a zero conditional sentence. (I / wake up late / I / be late for work)

"If I wake up late, I'm late for work."


If I played the lottery, I ______ (have) a chance of becoming a millionaire.

would have

Correct the mistake:

If you goes to bed early, you won't be tired tomorrow.

If you go to bed early, you won't be tired tomorrow.


What type of conditional is this?

If my neighbour plays music late at night, I can't sleep.

Zero conditional


When do we use first conditionals?

To talk about things that might happen in the future, or future results of actions in the present.


Make a second conditional sentence. (I / to meet a genie / I / to ask him for three wishes)

"If I met a genie, I would ask him for three wishes"


Wood ______ (burn) if there is no oxygen.

doesn't burn


Correct the mistake:

If I saw someone robbing a bank, I would told the police.

If I saw someone robbing a bank, I would tell the police.


What type of conditional is this?

You won't get to the station on time if you don't leave the house now.

First conditional


When do we use second conditionals?

To talk about imaginary or hypothetical situations.


Make a first conditional sentence. (he / to stop smoking now / he / to live longer)

"If he stops smoking now, he will live longer."


If you ________(not do) the homework, you __________(be punished).

don't do, will be punished


Correct the mistake:

If I see Tom this afternoon, I give him your message.

If I see Tom this afternoon, I'll give him your message.


What type of conditional is this?

If I had more time, I'd learn to play the guitar.

Second conditional


Which verb tenses do we use to make zero and first conditionals?

Zero conditional: Present simple + present simple

First conditional: Present simple + will/won't with infinitive


Make a first conditional sentence. ( You / to forget my birthday / I / to speak to you again)

"If you forget my birthday, I won't speak to you again".


If I ___________(be) a baby, I __________(sleep) and _______(play) all day.

were, would sleep, (would) play


Correct the mistake:

If we spoke better English, we would can watch this film without subtitles.

If we spoke better English, we would be able to watch this film without subtitles.


What type of conditional is this?

Would you be surprised if it snowed next July?

Second conditional


Which verb tenses do we use to make second conditionals?

Past simple + would/wouldn't with infinitive


Make a second conditional sentence. (My aunt / to eat less junk food / she / to be as fat as she is now)

"If my aunt ate less junk food, she wouldn't be as fat as she is now."


What places _______ you _________ (visit) if you went to South Africa?

would you visit


Correct the mistake:

Unless you don't study, you won't pass the science exam.

Unless you study, you won't pass the science exam.