Vocabulary Youtube
Vocabulary: Mukbang
Grammar: Past Simple/Continuous, Conditionals
Sports Vocabulary
Random Facts and Surprises

Fill in the missing vocabulary word: 

She is the _____ of the party. Ask her if there is a bathroom in this massive house



Fill in the missing word

She has a problem with _________. She always eats more than she should. 



Use the Past simple/Past Continuous:

We ________(eat) dinner at 8pm last night (we started eating at 7:30).

were eating 


Fill in the missing word.

She has ______ in four Olympic Games and won two golds, one ______ and one b_______

competed,  silver, bronze


Describe the earlier Olympics. When did it start? How did they compete? 

How has the Olympics changed over the years to what it is today?

The early Olympics started in Greece in the 6th century and athletes or competitors competed till they died.

The Olympics over the years has included other countries, disabled people, non-athletes, other races and nationalities, and refugees. It also is held in different countries every year and people don´t compete till their death. 


Fill in the missing voc

Mark Zukerberg f______ Facebook with some of his roomates from school. 



Fill in the missing word:

I do not like it when people ______ on the street. It is so nasty. You can see their saliva on the ground. 



Past Simple or Past Continuous

 It______ (be) a day in December. Snow ______(fall) , children ______(sing) carols and people______ (do) their Christmas shopping.

was, was falling, were singing, were doing


Fill in the missing word:

He danced his dance so well in the competition that he ___ a world record.



What is a Mukbang? Why did it start? Where did it start? What are some of the criticisms of Mukbang.

What are the benefits or pros of Mukbang?

Mukbang is a video in which people are eating food. It started in Korea to help people, who live or eat alone, not feel so lonely. The problems with Mukbang is that it can cause eating disorders, over-eating, anorexia, bulimia for the viewers. Mukbangers don´t actually eat the food, they spit it out. 

Mukbangers can make alot of money from their videos. Mukbangers can give viewer ideas on what to eat or drink. 


Fill in the blank with missing word: 

She was punished for her bad_______ in science class. She was singing and playing around when _______ an experiment. 

conduct, conducting


She is _______ to getting really sick after a bee sting since she is allergic to bees. 


Change the situation to a conditional sentence:

Chuck failed the exam. He is smart, he just didn´t study.

"If Chuck had studied, he probably wouldn't have failed his midterm exam."


Paris will _____ the Olympics this year. 



where is Rica from? Where is her state in the United States on the map? What is the capital of the state? Name at least two things or activities you can do or see in her state. Name at least one interesting fact about her state. 

Georgia, southeast, Atlanta, .....



Name the IT profession

This person reports the news on media outlets like the radio or tv



Fill in the correct onomatopeia 

When water is boiling it makes the _______ sound or noise.



Change the situation into a conditional sentence 

Kathy wants to go to the movies but doesn't have any money.

If Kathy had money she would go to the movies.


Fill in the blank the missing demonstratives: 

Certainly! Here is a long sentence about sports that includes demonstratives, quantifiers, articles, and possessives:

All _____ players on _____ football team demonstrated incredible skill during ____ championship match, making ____ fan in ____ stadium cheer loudly for _____ spectacular performance."

the, the/that, their, every, the, their 


What makes a hit song to teenagers?

1. Repitition of phrases or words

2. Gets to the chorus quickly

3. The song is not too  long

4.Catchy hook

5. Upbeat tempo

Which job are you?

You write apps, videogames, websites. You need to know html, and other programs.

software engineer


Fill in the correct word

When you open a soda can, it makes the ______ sound and when you eat fried chicken you make the ______ sound.

crack, crunch


Change the situation into a conditional phrase

-My boss wants to send me to Japan. I'll try sushi.

-I'll try to give your message to Ted, but I'm not sure whether I'll see him or not.

If my boss sends me to Japan, I will try sushi.

If I see Ted, I will give him your message. 


Fill in the blank the missing determiners:

During _______ (demonstrative) exciting moments of the Olympic Games, _____ (quantifier) athlete's hard work and determination, shown by _____(posessive) amazing performances in _____ event, grabs ____ attention of ______ fans around _____ world, making ____ (demonstrative) special competition ___(article) real example of human spirit and achievement."

these/those, every, their, each/every, the, many, the, this, a


Making request, suggestions, or invitations

You want your teacher to extend the project deadline. How would you ask her politely.

You are hot and you want the ac turned on. What would you ask your parents?

Your friend is sitting close to your bedroom door. You guys are gossiping about friends. You want her to close the door, what would you say (using would you mind)? 

Could you extend the project deadline Mrs. ---- please?

Can I turn on the ac, please?

Would you mind closing the door, please?