Correctly name all 5 teachers who teach English at Zimmerman High School
Greener, Onstad, Lien, Bickman, Abfalter
How many miles from Zimmerman High School to Elk River High School? Get it within 1
1. Roundabout at the stoplight by school
2. Roundabout by D's Smokehouse
3. Overpass of 169
Correctly name all 5 teachers who teach science at Zimmerman High School
Doherty, Pelot, Pratt, Fossey, Wihlm
What year was Zimmerman High School started?
Which ZHS teacher's last name would appear first in an alphabetical list?
Correctly name all 5 teachers who teach math at Zimmerman High School
Beaver, Leblanc, Lloyd, McDonald, Niebhur,
How many total teachers at ZMHS? Get it within 10
Which ZHS teacher's last name would appear last in an alphabetical list?
Correctly name all 5 teachers who teach social studies at Zimmerman High School
Doran, Levos, Hamlin, Kraus, Olson,
What is the total enrollment for Zimmerman High School? Get within 20
Name both of the two administrators who have been subbing for the middle school assistant principal position until Mr. Kish starts it
Mr. Bizal, Mr. Huss
Correctly name all 4 of the current ZMHS counselors
Brenny, Stoermann, Meir, Sawyer
What is the population of Zimmerman as of the 2020 census? Get within 100
Name at least 7 of the AP classes offered at ZHS
AP Lang, AP Lit, AP Bio, AP World, APUSH, AP Stats, AP Human Geo, AP Chemistry,