Who destoyed Thor's Hammer?
When's Skylar's first gamertag?
How do you unlock Nacht Der Untoten in WaW?
Completing the WaW campaign?
What was the name of Spongebob's bubble friend?
Bubble Buddy
How many people are in the New Xbox Lads group chat?
Who found the Tesseract?
Howard Stark
What was Skylar's first purchased Fortnite skin?
Brite Bomber
What was the first Zombies map chronologically?
Name the three Powerpuff girls?
Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup.
Who has the most post on Instagram in the group chat?
What is the name of Yondu's arrow?
The Yaka arrow.
Mob of the Dead
What season level did you need to be to purchase the Raider Revenge harvesting tool in Season 1?
When did Adventure Time start and end? (years)
Who sends the most private account memes?
In which movie does Tony Stark first mentioned the idea of 'a team of remarkable people'?
The Incredible Hulk
When's Skylar's birthday?
March 13, 2002
How much damage does the blue AR deal?
Moltres, Articuno, Zapdos
When was the group chat made? What year?
Which character does NOT appear and ISN'T mentioned in Spider-Man Homecoming?
Bucky Barnes
How many subscribers do I currently have on Chillster or Zialz?
1,234 or 430
What was the first legendary skin in Fortnite? (Not counting battlepasses)
What was the first original Cartoon Network show ever aired?
The Moxy Show?
Name every person in the chat from oldest to youngest?
Josh, Tim, Brandon, Tate, Skylar, Matthew, Ivan, Sam