Movie Title
Video Games
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Movie Trivia
Quotes and Taglines
Q: This remake of the George A Romero’s classic film, centers around a group of people trying to survive the zombie apocalypse in a shopping mall. (What could possibly go wrong?)
What is "Dawn of the Dead"?
This video game series developed by Telltale Games, is based on the T.V. show of the same name.
What is "The Walking Dead"?
A) I Am Legend B) I Eat Your Skin C) I Sell the Dead
B) I Eat Your Skin (1964) A) I am Legend (2007) C) I Sell the Dead (2008)
1) This A list actor was the star of the film “I Am Legend
Who is Will Smith?
One tagline for this film was, “Day 1: Exposure - Day 3: Infection - Day 8: Epidemic - Day 15: Evacuation - Day 20: Devastation”.
What is "28 Days Later"?
2) This 2013 movie follows the main character, R, who happens to be a zombie.
What is "Warm Bodies"?
In the video game series Dead Space, the zombies are called this. Hint, it isn’t zombies.
What is "Necromorphs"?
A) I, Zombie B) I Walked With a Zombie C) I was a Teenage Zombie D) I was a Zombie for the F.B.I.
B) I Walked With a Zombie (1943) D) I was a Zombie for the F.B.I. (1982) C) I was a Teenage Zombie (1987) A) I, Zombie (1999)
The 2010 film “The Crazies” was set in this U.S. state.
What is Iowa?
One tagline for this 2004 zombie flick states, “Buy Milk. Ring Mum. Dodge Zombies”.
What is "Shaun of the Dead"?
This 1985 cult classic horror film, started off as an H.P. Lovecraft story, and focuses on a college student who is trying to bring the dead back to life.
What is "Re-Animator"?
In the game series Dead Space, the easiest way to kill the enemies is to do this.
What is "Shooting off their limbs"?
A) House of the Dead B) House of the Living Dead C) House of the Damned D) House by the Cemetery
B) House of the Living Dead (1973) D) House by the Cemetery (1981) C) House of the Damned (1991) A) House of the Dead (2003)
Not counting the animated ones, the Resident Evil movie series has this many movies.
What is 5?
“I'm not great at farewells, so, uh, that'll do, pig.” “That's the worst goodbye I've ever heard, and you stole it from a movie.” Is part of a conversation in this zombie movie.
What is "Zombieland"?
This 1988 movie was one of Wes Cravin’s few zombie movies, and stars actor Bill Pullman.
What is "The Serpent and the Rainbow
This 2014 horror game followed main character Sebastian Castellanos through nightmarish worlds and hordes of zombies.
What is "The Evil Within"?
A) Black Sheep B) Black Magic 2 C) Black Swarm D) Black Demons.
B) Black Magic 2 (1976) D) Black Demons (1991) A) Black Sheep (2006) C) Black Swarm (2007)
In the film “Zombieland”, the character Tallahassee is obsessed with finding this.
What are Twinkies?
“Do you wanna give up? You wanna sit here and die, tell me, and I will sit here and die with you.” Is a quote from this zombie flick.
What is "The Crazies"?
This 1985 Spanish horror movie’s other titlee is The Ghost Ship of the Blind Dead. In it the zombies are blind, but hunt by sound.
What is "The Ghost Galleon"?
The first game in this series was a pioneer for First Person Shooters (FPS) and is centered around a space marine who has to battle hordes of demons and undead.
What is "Doom"?
A) The Amazing Adventures of a Living Corpse B) Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things C) The Dead Hate the Living D) The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-up Zombies E) Night of the Seagull.
D) ... Mixed-up Zombies (1964) B) Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things (1972) E) Night of the Seagulls (1975) C) The Dead Hate the Living (2000) A) The Amazing Adventures of a Living Corpse (2012)
In the film Cabin in the Woods, the teenagers are faced against this classification of creatures. Hint, be specific.
What is "Zombie Redneck Torture Family"?
One tagline for this zombie film stated, “In a world ravaged by the undead, Ben and Mickey must learn to survive… Each other.”
What is "The Battery"?