Blue zone
Yellow Zone
Red Zone
Green Zone

One feeling that a person might have who is in the blue zone is..... 

tired, sad, disappointed, sick

True of false: being in the yellow zone is a bad thing

False:  feelings or zones aren't bad or good, but how we handle these feelings is what is important.

True or False:  Being in the red zone is never okay!

False:  we can all be in the red zone sometimes.. Part of the skills that we work on is finding ways to manage this zone/feelings so that we can be in control of our behaviors and stay safe.  

We should always be in the green zone!  True or False

False:  SHould is the key word... it's okay to be in any zone but being in the green zone is the most desirable as we would be feeling generally ready to learn and the most productive. 


Typically we try to be in the green zone so we can be our best selves but this can change throughout the day. What is one tool that a person can use to help themselves get in the green zone.

breathing, options, fidgets, taking a walk, talking to an adult or getting support

Being in the blue zone is never okay

true or false

False!  we can all feel in the blue zone sometimes


one feeling that a person might feel if they were in the yellow zone is...

worried, silly, excited, fidgety, anxious, irritable


Some feelings that a person that is in the red zone might feel are.... 

angry, freally rustrated, terrified, scared, out of control, like you just want to scream!!


Some feelings that a person in the Green zone might feel are... 

happy, content, calm, ready to learn, supported, loved,


Getting a drink of water is sometimes helpful when we are in which zone?

Usually blue, but sometimes yellow.. 


In school, one thing I can do if I'm feeling in the blue zone is... 

ask to go to soft space, talk to an adult, ask for an option, get a drink of water


If someone is in the yellow zone they might need...

an option, a figet, a movement break, a walk, a talk with an adult


True or False: Running away is typically a red zone behavior.

True: especially at our school, if students run away from staff, they are most likely feeling out of control and probably in the red zone


Green zone behaviors in school would typically look like.... give some examples

sitting at your desk, paying attention, interested, smiling, body is calm


What are some body cues that you might notice to help you know what zone you are in or that you might need to use a tool.

Heart pounding, feeling hot, thirsty or hungry, fidgety or shaky, hands sweaty or clammy


If I notice one of my classmates seems to be in the blue zone, I can... 

depends on the situation


What is a trigger.. 

A trigger is a situation that can easily put you in the yellow zone and possibly into the red zone.


What is happening in a person's brain if they are in the red zone?

The amygdala "watch dog" has taken over, they are having a fight or flight reaction, their lid has been flipped. 


I'm at recess with my friend and they are telling me about something they did over the weekend.  I'm in the green zone if I'm listening to them and trying to be a good friend.  True or False

True... being a good listener is a green zone behavior


I came to school feeling tired and grumpy and really just don't want to be here today, one tool that I can use to help me get to feel better and more in the green zone is... 

make sure I eat breakfast, talk to one of my teachers, ask for an option, draw my feelings, try to focus on something positive, Tell myself some good thoughts.. 


If there is an adult in my life who seems to be in the blue zone, it is probably my fault... true or false

False.. we are not responsible for others feelings but sometimes we can do things sometimes to influence others feelings or zones. 


Name something that can be a trigger for you..

give situation


If someone gets hurt or embarrassed, can this lead to red zone behavior?

Sometimes... both of those feelings can feel really big and cause a person to feel out of control. 


Staff at Pioneer are always in the green zone.  True or False

False:  We are always trying to stay in the green zone but even adults continue to strive to be their best to do their jobs.  


I'm feeling in the yellow zone and I'm really worried about something at home.  One tool I can use is.. 

Try to use my inner coach --think of things that will encourage me.. "It's going to be okay", "I will get through this", "I have people in my life that care about me"  I can talk to one of my teachers or Ms. Julie, I can try to write or draw my feelings ,I can try to focus on what's happening now, find a distraction ..etc