Different Zones
Calm Down!
(watch out for the trick question)
Make 'em Laugh

A behavior that makes others feel comfortable around you and gives them comfortable thoughts about you, is a....

Expected Behavior


Why even bother paying attention to your perspectives? 

Our perspectives have a lot of influence on how we react to and feel about situations. For more positive outcomes, it's important to be careful what we tell ourselves about situations, to avoid difficult experiences. 

What are the four different zones and what is so different about them?

Blue, Green, Yellow, Red - as you move through the zones,  your energy level changes. 


How do you know if you need to up-regulate or down-regulate?

You up-regulate if your energy is too low, and down-regulate if it's too high. 


What's a tornado's favorite family game?



Expected or Unexpected Behavior?

Mary had a fight her with brother just before school. When she arrives she starts to yell at her teacher and classmates over things that don't usually bother her. 

Unexpected. It can be understandable why someone who is upset might yell at others, but it would make those around her confused and uncomfortable, so it's unexpected.


Change that perspective, or not:

You hate math! You can't ever get the questions right and the teacher never helps! At the start of math you always get so angry, you don't even what to be in class today. 

Answers vary. All that negative self-talk prevents you from being successful and accepting help. Help has to be accepted as much as it has to be given. 


Names the Zone(s)!

Rudy is a new student in class, and when she walked in she hid her face and went straight to her seat quietly, sat down and won't look at anyone.

Shy - Blue

You might say scared, but it would be hard for her to stay calm and quiet if afraid, making it less likely. 


Up or down? Pick that coping skill!

You're really excited about the upcoming movie you're seeing with friends! You're starting to make a mess around the house. 

Time to down regulate. 

Maybe sit in a comfy chair and take a few calming breaths while giving yourself a nice hug and rubbing your arms. 


Which is faster, heat or cold? 

Heat, because you can catch a cold!

Expected or Unexpected Behavior?

Fred has been bullying Tina, she's really upset because he keeps hurting her feelings, so she screams in his face.

Unexpected. It's easy to understand her response, but it makes others uncomfortable so it's unexpected. 


Change that perspective, or not:

You keep telling yourself that writing is so hard. But when the teacher comes over to offer help you tell yourself they can help you get through it, and with their help you complete the assignment. 

Don't change anything!! It's okay for things to be hard, but remember that you can get through hard things, even if you sometimes need help. 


Name the Zone(s)!

Luke is having the best game of the season. Everything seems to be going his way and he feels like he could run forever!

Excitement - Yellow. Happy and Proud - Green. 

That extra energy could be from adrenaline due to his excitement over doing so well.  


Up or Down? Pick that coping skill!

You didn't sleep well at all last night and are having a tough time getting out of bed. 

Time to up-regulate.

Maybe get your body moving with a big stretch and wiggle around in the bed for a minute to get your blood flowing. 


Why did the pony get detention? 

Because it was always horsing around!


Unexpected or Expected Behavior?

Pete is sad that his favorite pet ran away last night and is crying quietly at his desk.

Expected. It's understandable that someone who misses a pet would be sad and might cry. 


Change that perspective, or not:

You always fight with one of your classmates. You're ENEMIES and HATE each other! You don't even want to go to school because you have to be in the same class as them. 

Answers vary. Telling yourself such strong things about a peer when you don't know them that well yet can make relationships impossible to build. It's common for kids who are "enemies" to become friends once they get to know each other. 


Name the Zone(s)!

Ridley just stubbed her toe while walking in, barefoot, from outside. She grabbed her toe and started to tear up, and then she yelled a naughty word really loudly. :-/

Hurt - Blue, Angry - Red


Up or Down? Pick that coping skill!

Your noticing that your hands are clenching, face is hot, and brow if scrunched up. 

Emergency! Time to down regulate and quick! 

You're getting angry. Think about happy thoughts, use positive self-talk, and seek out a trusted person for support before you do something you'll regret!


What do you call a banana you wear as a shoe?

A slipper!


Expected or Unexpected Behavior?

Lance just fell down while running with his friends during gym class. His face turned bright red and he ran away from the group, while fighting back tears. 

This is a tough one, but it's expected. Someone that fell down in front of others could be embarrassed by this and might blush. Running away is a common reaction that tells people you need space, when done safely


Change that perspective, or not:

You have been wanting a new game for so long and finally got it!! You're so excited you just can't step away when your family asks you to come down for dinner. You get mad that they're taking you away from the game you have been wanting and yell at them. 

Answers vary. Selfish thoughts can get in the way of what you want and create potential conflicts with others. It's okay to like a new game, but there is always time for fun after dinner, either that night or later. 


Name the Zone(s)!

Last year when you went to the fair, all of your favorite rides were closed and it was terrible. You've been looking forward to getting to ride them and as you drive to the fair this year, you have high energy and a queasy feeling in your belly. 

Excited, Nervous, Worried - Yellow. 

(maybe also) Happy - Green

Up or Down? Pick that coping skill!

You are sitting at your desk doing your school work. You're just about to finish and there's 10-minutes left in class. 

Tricky tricky. Time to stay regulated. 

Your in the green and about to have some down time. It's important to keep yourself calm and not let a little free time dysregulate you. 


What's black and white, and black and white, and black and white, and black and white, and...

A penguin rolling down a snow mound.