This coping skills only requires a pencil and paper
You'll probably see a smile on my face if I'm feeling _____________
I just found out my class is going on a trip to the zoo next week! I love the zoo. I am feeling ___________________________
You see that your friend is slouched in their chair crying. They might feel ____________
I felt ____________ when I got a draw four in Uno.
Stretchy worms, fidget spinners, sand, and squishies are all examples of...
Before bed, I can take deep breaths, listen to soft music, and lay in my bed to help me feel ________________
Relaxed or calm
I love my siblings, but sometimes they make me feel ____________
I am having trouble paying attention in class. School can be so _______________. I can't wait for recess!
I feel like a volcano!
When I am overwhelmed, a place at CREATE I can go to __________ with a grown up
The break room
When I accomplish something, like building a Lego set, I feel ________________
When I get stuck on a math problem on my homework, it can make me feel ____________________
Frustrated, overwhelmed
Uh oh... my stomach hurts, my body is sore, I have a headache. I feel ______________
I can use this tool to slow down my breathing and sometimes it smells like my favorite cheesy food
Pizza breaths
When my family and friends cheer for me and support me, I feel ___________
I did not get a good night's sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning! I even tried counting sheep and now I feel so _____________
Tired or exhausted
When I am in red zone and I don't use a coping skill, sometimes I _________________
Hit, yell, stomp, break things, etc
I'm not feeling very confident today, I can use ______________
Positive self-talk
When I am using whole body listening, I am _____________
Ready to learn, focused
I feel this way when I am trying something new for the first time, like the first day of school or the first day of CREATE
Nervous, worried, scared, or anxious
We were supposed to go to the zoo for my class trip, but it was cancelled because of the rain. I feel _________________
The red zone can make my body feel different or funny. It makes my heat beat ____________