In this zone, we are calm, relaxed and ready to learn.
Green Zone
Give me 3 feelings/emotions in the blue zone
Sad, Bored, Sick, Tired
Someone cuts in front of you when you are lining up for the gym
Henry woke up late, spilled his breakfast on his favourite shirt, he missed the bus and was late to school. When we got there, he had a conflict with a friend and feels really angry.
Red Zone
What is a regulation tool?
Something we do to make ourselves feel better and we can use them in any zone.
In this zone, we are tired, slow moving and sad.
Blue Zone
Give me 3 feelings in the yellow zone
Frustrated, worried, excited or silly.
There is a fire in the school and the fire alarm is going off. You stay inside the school and read a book. Is that an appropriate reaction to this problem?
No! You need to get out of the school right away and get to a safe spot outside.
Zoe is sitting properly in her desk, with her stuff all put away nicely and is quietly waiting to hear what the class will be doing next.
Green Zone
You have to give a presentation in front of the entire class. Your hands are shaking. What is something positive you could say to yourself in this moment?
Example of positive self-talk.
"I've got this!"
"It's okay to be nervous, I am going to do great."
In this zone, we are out of control, angry or terrified.
The Red Zone
Give me 3 feelings in the green zone.
Calm, happy, ready to learn, focused.
You return to your classroom after using the bathroom only to find your class is not there. You are unsure where your class is.
Medium problem.
Two students are playing at recess, they are sticking their tongues out, and rolling around on the ground laughing.
Yellow Zone.
True or False:
Everyone has the same Regulation Tools
False! Everyone has different tools, and no tool is better than another.
In this zone, we are silly, starting to lose control, nervous, or frustrated.
Yellow Zone
Give me 3 feelings in the red zone.
Terrified, Mean, Angry, Wild, Furious, Overjoyed.
Your parent asks you to put your laundry away. You don’t want to do it now. What is an appropriate reaction?
"Awe man, I really don't want to do it right now, but I need to listen to my parents."
"It won't take me long, I'll get it done quickly."
You are coughing, holding your stomach and just want to go lay down.
Blue Zone.
You are feeling really angry and start to kick objects and yell. Are you making yourself more regulated (calm, relaxed) or less regulated (higher levels of angry/energy)?
Less Regulated - we need to stop and try to get back into the Green Zone instead of going further into the Red Zone.
True or False.
The zones are categorized by how much energy we have.
True or False: Red zone is bad and green zone is good.
False. All zones are okay and perfectly normal. Neither of them are bad.
There is a big wind storm and the school loses power.
Big problem - we need to make sure everyone is safe, following all the rules and listening to the adults/teachers.
You have very low energy levels
Blue Zone.
What is a regulation tool that might be useful in every zone?
Breathing exercises