Name That Zone
What am I feeling?
What do others think when...
Tricky Ones

What zone is Sam in when he is feeling tired, because he didn't get enough sleep last night and is having a hard time paying attention in math?

Blue Zone


Give me 3 feelings/emotions in the Blue Zone

Sad, Tired, Bored, Sick, Low Energy, Blah


What do others think when you are pushing over desks and saying hurtful things to others.

Others feel sad, scared, or nervous about what might happen next. Others want to move away from you or not be around you. 


Alex is upset because he George got the prize he wanted from the classroom store. Tell me 2 ways Alex can handle this.

(two ways)


Why are friends important?


Kara is upset and overwhelmed because she thinks the book she is reading is too difficult. She doesn't know what to do. What zone is she in?

Yellow Zone

Give me 3 feelings in the Yellow Zone.

Too silly, annoyed, worried, frustrated, overwhelmed, upset, too much energy, unfocused, 


What do others think when I stay at my desk to do my work and not shout out answers?

They think it is easy to learn and focus in that environment and they are grateful for that person being respectful to them.


Sarah is feeling bored during social studies. She can't stay awake and wishes she could do something else. Tell me 2 ways Sarah can handle this.

Change thinking, drink a glass of water, chair push ups, movement break, etc.


Molly is going around telling everyone how smart she is, that she got a perfect score on the test, and that she did a better job than everyone else. What do others think about Molly's statements?

They think she is bragging and they don't like it.


Thomas is sitting is his chair upright and straight. He is listening to the teacher and ready to learn. What zone is he in?

Green Zone


Give me 3 feelings in the Green Zone.

Happy, ready to learn, calm, focused, feeling okay, proud, good


What do others think when you use bad language?

Others think it's annoying and mean. Other people don't like when people are mean to them because it makes them feel bad. It's not funny.


Tim is so goofy and hyper during class. He's on the verge of being out of control. What should he do?

(insert answer)


At recess, someone tackled you while playing tag - which is against the rules. You start to feel yourself getting very angry. Your heart starts beating fast and you feel your hands making a fist. How do you stop yourself from trying to hurt the person back?


Sally is walking around using bad words thinking it's funny. She is laughing and her voice is getting louder and louder. What zone is she in?

Yellow Zone


Give me 3 feelings in the Red zone.

Out of control, not safe, mad, angry, mean, yelling, terrified, very mad


What do others think when you are making a sad face, not talking to other people, and putting your head down?

Others are worried about you and think that you don't feel good. They may want to ask you what's wrong or leave you alone.


Once you are able to identify what zone you are in, what do you do if you've tried a strategy and it doesn't work?


Someone called you annoying. What should you do about it?


Julie is on the playground for recess. She is mean to her classmates and starts hitting them because one of her classmates pushed her. What zone is she in?

Red Zone


How can you identify what zone you are in, in the moment?



What do others think when you are yelling in your classroom, even after being asked to stop?

Others feel frustrated that you aren't listening. They may feel annoyed that they cannot concentrate because of the yelling. It makes them want to get some space away from you.


When is it okay to be in the red zone?

If you are hurt, in pain, experiencing something that is a "big deal"...


Can you go from Green straight to Red? or do you have to be in the Yellow first?

You can go Green straight to Red!