Blue Zone
Green Zone
Yellow Zone
Red Zone

eat something, drink water, go for a walk, listen to music, draw, watch funny videos, dance

What is something you can do to get yourself out of this zone?

the "ready to learn" zone

What is the Green Zone?


confused, embarrassed, anxious, grouch, silly, worried, frustrated

What are emotions in this zone?


elated, too silly, terrified, angry, out of control

What are feelings in the Red Zone?


drink coffee, take vitamins, work out, sleep

What do adults do when they are in this zone?


You should get back to this zone if you enter in the blue or yellow zone.

What is the Green Zone?


the zone you should be in when you take a break

What is the Yellow Zone?


hitting, throwing, breaking items, destroying property, biting, screaming, punching, stabbing, pinching, ripping

What are behaviors in the red zone?

be grateful for the people and things you have in your life

What is one way to be happier daily?


proud, happy, calm, focused

What are emotions in this zone?


take a break, take a walk, do a Think Sheet, ask a teacher for help, go the calm corner and read, take a nap, draw, fidget

What are things you can do in this zone to avoid the Red Zone?


running red lights, breaking in, assault (punching, hitting, spitting), mouthing off to a boss/coworker, stealing, lying, cheating

What are adult behaviors in the red zone?

stay home and get better

What is something you should do when you are sick?

It is possible to stay in the green zone all day everyday.

What is false?


the best zone to change your behavior before it is too late or you do something you might regret later

What is the yellow zone?

arrest, jail/prison, suspension, lose job, lose friends, lose trust

What happens if you do these things as an adult?


depressed, tired, bored, hurt, sad, shy, sick

What are different emotions for this zone?


Teachers expect you to be in this zone during rotations.  If you are not in this zone, you have to take a break.

What is the Green Zone?

I start shaking, my voice gets higher, I clench my fists, and I start talking faster.
What happens when you enter the Yellow Zone?

deep breathing/hold breath, rest/meditation, exercise, walking away from the person or situation, changing your activity, taking a break, forgiving yourself and apologizing to others, sleep

What can you do when you are in the Red Zone?