Coping Strategies

Today is school picture day and you can't find the shirt you were planning to wear and are feeling frustrated. What zone would you be in? 

Yellow Zone 


Asking the teacher if you can put your head on your desk for a few minutes because you're really tired is a good way to cope when you're in which zone?

Blue Zone


I am feeling super happy? What zone am I in?

Green Zone


You just found out your mom and dad are taking you to Disney land and you're super excited! What zone would you be in? 



You're feeling really angry, and decided to sit in the calm down corner and do some deep breathing. This is a great way to cope when you are in which zone?

Red Zone 


I am feeling super hyper and excited what zone am I in? 

Yellow Zone 


You were supposed to go to the park, but it started raining, you're feeling pretty sad. What zone are you in? 

Blue Zone 


You're super tired during class so you decide to have a cold drink of water to wake you up, this is a cool way to cope when you're in which zone? 

Blue Zone


I am really scared! What Zone am I in? 

Red Zone.


Your teachers asked the whole class to read a book that you have already read, you're feeling kind of bored. What zone are you in? 

Blue Zone 


You're feeling really frustrated because another student said something that annoyed you. You decide to take some time and space to calm down. this is a great coping skill when you're in what zone? 

Yellow Zone 


I'm feeling really bored, what zone am I in? 

Blue Zone

You are terrified! You came home from school and found a lion in your bedroom! What zone are you in?

Red Zone!


You are feeling really sad today, you decide to ask the teacher for a hug, this is a great way to cope when you are in which zone? 

Blue Zone


I'm just okay today! What zone am in? 

Green Zone