Name That Zone
What Am I Feeling
Describe How I Look
Problem Solving

Sam is feeling tired, because he didn't get enough sleep last night and is having a hard time keeping his eyes open and paying attention to his history teacher.

What is the Blue Zone


Give me 3 feelings/ emotions in the Blue Zone

Sad, Tired, Bored, Sick, Hurt, Lonely 


Describe the way my body will look/act when I am in the YELLOW zone in class.

My body will not be still, it will be constantly moving in ways such as; tapping, drumming, making silly faces, chatty, playfully swinging arms, clicking pens, dancing, etc. 


Alex is crying, because his favorite book wasn't chosen for circle time. Tell me 2 ways Alex can handle this.

Alex can take a short break in a calm corner or 

Alex can begin taking deep breathes by watching an adult do it first and following their lead. 


Which Zones of Regulation require you to learn problem-solving skills and techniques. 

The BLUE, YELLOW and RED Zones 


Kara is feeling worried and overwhelmed, because she has a lot of homework and two tests this week. 

What is the YELLOW Zone


Give me 3 feelings/emotions in the yellow zone

Excited, Silly, Worried, Nervous, Stressed, Overwhelmed 


Describe the way my body will feel/act when I am in the Blue zone in class.

I might be yawning, putting my head down, bored, leaning on my hand or another object, eyes are difficult to keep open, not focused, dazing off into space. 


Sarah is bored and tired in her class. She can't stay awake. Tell me 2 ways Sarah can stay awake.

Sarah can ask to get a drink of water or 

Sarah can take a short movement break


True or False: Embarrassed is in which Zone of Regulation? 

The Yellow Zone 


Thomas is sitting is his chair upright and straight. He is listening to the teacher and ready to learn. 

What is the GREEN Zone


Give me 3 feelings/emotions in the green zone.

Happy, Focused, Confident, Ready to learn, Calm


Describe the way my body will feel/act when I am in the GREEN zone, in class.

I might have a smile on my face and/or be sitting in class calmly. I will be sitting up in my chair with my pencil sharpened, eyes on the speaker, materials ready for the day, and prepared to work hard all day. I will be ready to learn today! 


Tim is so goofy and hyper during class. He is on the verge of being out of control. What can Tim do to help himself get back on track and become focused in class again. 

Tim can Stop, Think, and Make a Better Choice for himself or Tim can take 3 deep breaths. 

Tim can also ask if he can go for a short walk to help him calm down. 


Which Zone is Surprised in? 

The Yellow Zone 


Sally is feeling silly! She is making funny faces, sticking her tongue out and telling funny jokes. 

What is the YELLOW Zone


Give me 3 feelings/emotions in the red zone.

Furious, Angry, Mad, Disgusted


Describe the way my body will feel/act when I am in the RED zone in class.

I might have my fists clenched, body tense, face scrunched into a frown. I also may be stomping my feet, yelling, crying, screaming, throwing objects, etc. 


When it is okay to be in the YELLOW zone at school.

During Lunchtime, Recess, and/or Gym Class. 


I am finished with my work, I am bored, and have nothing to do before the next subject. What Zone am I in and how can I problem solve this?

I am currently in the Blue Zone.

 I can problem solve this situation by asking the teacher if there is any other work that I need to complete, begin my homework so that I have less work to do tonight, Sit quietly and wait for the rest of my class to finish their work as well so that I do not disrupt or distract them, or read a book while you wait, etc.  


Julie is in the playground for recess. She is not being kind to one of her classmates and started hitting her. She is very mad that her classmate will not play the game the way she wants to play it. 

What is the RED Zone


True or False: Red zone is bad and green zone is good.

False. All of the Zones are okay and perfectly normal to experience in your life. Neither of them are bad.


 I am slouching in my chair and leaning over my desk with my head leaning on my hand.

What Zone am I in? 

The BLUE Zone


When is it okay to be in the Blue Zone?

Before bed at night, if a friend or family member hurt your feelings, if you lost a pet, if you are not feeling well at all and stayed home from school that day to rest, etc. 


I am currently in the RED Zone. How can I problem solve back into the GREEN Zone?

Advocate or speak up for yourself in a respectful way, move away from the situation that is making you angry, take a short body break or movement break, take a timeout in the Calm Corner, ask to speak with a trusted adult and find ways to solve the problem together.