What Zone do these feelings belong to? - Sad, bored, tired, and sick.
The Blue Zone
What zone are we in when we are ready to go?
The Green Zone
True or False:
You can be in more than one zone at a time.
Name one example of an expected Behavior
Listening to the teacher
Sitting calmly
Using my words
Using a coping strategy
How does it make other's feel if you use unexpected behavior?
uncomfortable or confused
What Zone do these feelings belong to? - Overyjoyed/elated, panicked, angry, terrified.
The Red Zone
Name your favourite Tool Box strategy
Deep Breaths, going for a walk, listening to music, squeezing your hands, jumping jacks, pushing the wall, Lazy 8 breathing.
What Zone do we want students in at school?
The Green Zone
How do expected Behaviors make other people feel?
When a problem is small, what size should our response be?
What zone do these feelings belong to? - Worried, frustrated, silly, excited.
The Yellow Zone
What is an example of a calming technique?
Deep breathing, Listening to music, Coloring.
Do ALL tools that can help get us back in the Green zone work for everybody?
No, eveyone is different. They need to find what works for them.
Give an example of an unexpected behavior?
Stomping feet
What behaviors would make us have comfortable thoughts about other people?
expected behaviors
What zone do these feelings belong to? - Happy, focused, calm, proud.
The Green Zone
What is an example of a breathing strategy
Lazy 8 Breathing, Take a deep Breath, Six sides of breathing
What can you do if you are feeling in the blue, yellow or red zone?
Use a tool box strategy
Answers Vary
How do unexpected behaviors make other people feel?
What could someone do if they are having an Unexpected behavior?
Use a tool or strategy to help them choose to have expected behaviors.
Name all four colors of the Zones of Regulation.
Blue, Green, Red and Yellow
What Zone are you in?
What toolbox strategies can help you?
(multiple options)
Why do we use the Zones of Regulation
To better understand how we are feeling and what strategies we may use to manage ourselves.
Do you have control over your own behaviors?
What makes a problem a BIG problem?
Affects lots of people, someone is hurt, it will take a long time to fix