Name the 4 zones colors
Is this an example of a tool that can get you back into the Green zone?
True or False
You can be in more than one zone at a time.
Name this feeling
Ms. Rose taught you the acronym NED in her lesson about being an upstander. What does NED mean?
Never give up
Encourage others
Do your best
What zone do these feelings belong - Happy, focused, calm, proud.
Green Zone
True or false: once you are in the red zone you will not be able to move to the green zone for the rest of the school day.
What Zone do we want students in at school?
Name this feeling
What are the four parts of showing empathy?
1. Paying attention to someone's feelings
2. Think before you speak or act.
3. Understand that everyone is different.
4. Stand up for others.
What Zone do these feelings belong - Sad, bored, tired, and sick.
Blue Zone
What is an example of a calming technique to use when you are in the red zone?
Deep breathing, listening to music, coloring.
Do ALL tools that can help get us back in the Green zone work for everybody?
Name this feeling
Ms. Halle introduced the acronym TIPP as a red zone tool. What does TIPP stand for?
T - Temperature
I - Intense exercise
P - Pulse breathing
P - Progressive muscle relaxation
What Zone do these feelings belong - Overyjoyed/elated, panicked, angry, terrified.
Red Zone
______ skills help us stay in the green zone.
True or False being sad is the only feeling you can have in the blue zone
Name this feeling
What does the acronym word in T.H.I.N.K mean?
True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind
What zone do these feelings belong - Worried, frustrated, silly, excited.
What is a strategy you can use when you are in the blue zone?
listen to music
visualize a happy place
hug a stuffed animal
Who at school can you talk to if you need help getting back to the green zone?
my teacher
Ms. Rosenberger
another trusted adult
a close friend
Can you name a feeling that is not already listed for each zone?
Blue - Hurt, shy, exhausted
Green - Relaxed, ready to learn,
Yellow - Scared, embarrassed, annoyed
Red - Out of control, furious, mean
In the movie Inside Out 2 what are the four new characters in the movie?
Anxiety - Envy - Embarrassment - Ennui