What Zone do these feelings belong - Sad, bored, tired, and sick.
Blue Zone
What zone do we want to try and be in?
The green zone
True or False
The national animal in Scotland is the unicorn.
Listen to the music, what zone does it best represent?
Which eyes are in the Green Zone?
1 & 4
What Zone do these feelings belong - Panicked, angry, terrified.
Red Zone
Is this an example of a tool that can get you back into the Green zone?
True or False:
The sun is not a star
False - It is!!!!
Name this feeling
Which eyes are in the Blue Zone?
1 & 3
What zone do these feelings belong - Worried, frustrated, silly, excited.
Do ALL tools that can help get us back in the Green zone work for everybody?
True or False:
All of your taste buds are on your tongue.
False – you also have taste buds in your nose and sinuses.
Name this feeling
Which eyes are in the yellow Zone
1 & 3
What zone do these feelings belong - Happy, focused, calm, proud.
Green Zone
What is an example of a thinking strategy?
Counting, thinking positive happy thoughts, visualizing
What is Superman's real name?
Clark Kent/Kal-Al
Name these two feelings
Sad & Tired
What eyes are in the red zone?
2 & 3
Name all four colors of the zones.
Blue, green, red, yellow.
Are any of these suggestions not helpful?
No! They are all great ideas to get back to a Green Zone!
Name the 4 areas for the Self-Care Challenge Board
Physical - Mental - Social - Emotional
Can you name a feeling that is not already listed for each zone?
Blue - Hurt, shy, exhausted
Green - Relaxed, ready to learn,
Yellow - Scared, embarrassed, annoyed
Red - Out of control, furious, mean
What thought would someone most likely NOT think if they were with someone that was in the red zone?
"I'm glad he is my friend"