Rewards and Positive Reinforcements
Future PBIS for Harvey

Name the zones or areas we could have expectations in?

Lunchroom, hallway, classroom, bathrooms, recess, arrival and dismissal


What are the 3 B's ?

Be responsible, be respectful and be safe


What is a the one universal system that we use for rewards?

Red Tickets


Name one Minor behavior that needs to be put on the pink sheet?

  • Defiance/Insubordination 

  • No work completion

  • Leaving Meet and/or area without permission

  • Violation of Covid Procedures (mask, social distancing)

  • Disruptive behavior

  • Violation of Acceptable Technology Use Policy


What do you know about Tier 2?

Trained this year

Dependent on data

Check in/Check Out

SAIG groups


Name some expectations in the classroom


How and why do we collect data?

pink sheets

To determine what students and in what areas the tier 1 expectations are not working, which helps us move into tier 2 interventions


What is 5 to 1?

5 positives to 1 correction


Define minor behavior Disruptive on the pink sheets?

(interrupting learning of others)


What is SEL and why is it important?

Social Emotional Learning.

Teaches kids to regulate feelings, learn positive self-image, learn how to positively interact with others

Based on CASEL


Name some lunchroom expectations


What does PBIS stand for?

What is Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports

PBIS is a set of strategies and systems that enables our school to:

  • Create a culture of positive behaviors

  • Reduce behavior disruptions

  • Create appropriate environments to educate all students

This approach fosters successful social behavior and encourages school staff, students, families, and community members to create a safe social culture with consistent expectations.


What is 2 x 10?

2x10 Relationship Building Intervention Overview

2x10 Relationship Building—popularized in Allen Mendler's Connecting with Students—is an intervention that helps build teacher-student relationships, reinforce positive behaviors, and convey genuine support to an individual who might be typecast as a "challenging student."

How to Implement the 2x10 Strategy

  1. Choose one student whom you would like to strengthen your relationship with. 
  2. Select when you are going to approach the student (e.g., at the beginning of a class period).
  3. Find the student and start a conversation with them. To build a productive relationship with a student, adults will likely have to initiate the connection. 
  4. The focus of these conversations should be: 
    • Brevity. These conversations should last two minutes or under. 
    • Student Voice. Invite them to share something non-academic with you about their day or life. Here are some great get-to-know-you question prompts.
    • Honesty. Model transparency and authenticity by sharing something personal/non-academic with the student.


Define Defiant Behaviors for the pink sheets?

(lying, cheating, aggression)


What is Zones of Regulation?


Name some bathroom expectations.


What are our PRIDE Character traits?

Perseverance, Responsibility, Integrity, Discovery, and Empathy

Perseverance-- I will keep trying.

Responsibility-- I will do what I am supposed to do. 

Integrity-- I will do the right thing even when no one is watching.

Discovery-- I will keep learning and growing.

Empathy-- I will consider the feelings of others in my decision-making. 


Name 4 rewards listed on our reward posters?

Wear a hat, special seat, bring in stuffed animal, help another teacher (pre-covid), restaurant coupons, treasure box  etc


Do you know what our In person (COVID) matrix looks like?  Do you have one you can access quickly?


What is Mindfulness?

a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations


Name some recess expectations?


Name the PBIS team members.

Ursula, Christina, Sara, Kim, Louise, Kathy, Donna


Name 5 other ways to use positive reinforcement with our students?

Positive phone calls or notes home, sharing appreciations, making positive posters etc


How does PBIS work and what are their strategies for schools?

PBIS invests in prevention.  Some strategies include:

  • Proactive intervention: Identifying behaviors expected in all settings

  • Active Teaching: Teachers, students, families and community members working together to teach and model appropriate behavior.

  • Ongoing recognition of appropriate behavior: In our case, red tickets are collected by students who show such behaviors. Students can later shop for something in recognition of ongoing positive choices.

  • Fair consequences are given for inappropriate school behavior.


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