Which animal commonly eats bananas?
What are monkeys?
These animals like to hibernate in caves
What are bears?
They run in packs and have horrible shrill laughs
What are hyenas?
They rear up and spread their necks when they are disturbed or threatened
What are cobras?
This animal can eat through a tree in one night
What is a beaver?
Which animal enjoys peanuts
What are elephants?
These animals are usually live in Asia and are black and white
What are Pandas?
They can run up to 75 mph on land
What are cheetahs?
They shoot ink when they feel threatened and swing at prey with their long tentacles.
What are squids?
They have waterproof feathers
What are ducks?
What animal is known to eat plankton?
What are whales?
These animals are usually found on the Western plains (of the US)
What are Buffalo?
They can lose up to 25% of their body weight without physical harm
What are camels?
They hunt in groups and are considered the "King" of the jungle.
What are lions?
They have a unique pattern of stripes
What is a Zebra?
I have a long tongue which helps me to eat leaves from tall trees.
What is a giraffe?
What animal lives in Australia?
weighs up to 14 kg (31 pounds)
What is a Koala?
They sleep upside down suspended by their tails
What are possums?
This is the only animal species that goes to war with its own species
What are ants?
This animal cannot jump
What is an elephant?
Well-known for their diet of bamboo, which makes up 99% of their diet
What is a Giant Panda?
They spend half their life in the ocean and the other half on land
What are penguins?
They spend most of their day in water and will defend their territory both in water and land. They are very aggressive and have sharp teeth.
What are hippos?
This reptile has the advantage of bad breath in fights
What is the Komodo Dragon?
This animal only eats with it's head upside down
What is a flamingo?