Gift Shop
Vet Care
Guess that Animal

If the zoo orders 20 snake toys at the total price of $10 each. How much would the zoo sell each of the snake toys for if they added 50% of the original cost to the total?

$15 a snake.


The zoo is allowed to spend $10,000 per year on landscaping supplies. Last year we only spent 75% of the budget. How much did we spend?



One of our tortoises has dry eyes. We need to give him 2 drops of eye drops in the morning and 3 drops at night. If he needs it for 2 weeks, how many eye drops would he get in total?

70 eye drops total.


If Mudflap gets fed 10g of fish on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, how many grams of fish does he eat each week?

30g of fish.


I live in the rainforest of Africa and I am a scaley animal that lives in the trees, what am I?

A Ball Python.


Samantha is buying presents for the family in the zoo gift shop. Before the items are rang into the cash register she has a total of $100 worth of goods. As Samantha is a Zoo Society member she receives 25% off. How much does she owe?



Zookeeper Nicole earns $10 per hour and worked 30 hours this week. How much will she be getting paid that week before taxes?



The 100lb Jaguar is due to be sedated so blood work can be performed. We use a drug named Ketamine to put the cat to sleep. We need to use 2 CC of Ketamine per 20 lb. How many CC’s of Ketamine should we give the Jaguar to knock him out?

10 CC's.


If Tia gets a maximum 20g of seeds every day in her diet but gets 4g of seeds as a special treat, how many grams of seeds will be in her diet that day?

16g of seeds.


I am America's national bird, what am I?

A Bald Eagle.


There are 75 Otters in inventory stored in the back closet. There are 25 Otters on display in the gift shop. What percentage of the Otters are in inventory stored in the closet?



Zookeeper Desiray needs a vacation! As a staff member of the zoo, you get 7 vacation days after your first year, and ten days after your fifth year. Desiray has been with the zoo for exactly three years. How many vacation days does she get?

7 vacation days.


Once an animal is asleep we need to check the pulse every 2 minutes. To check the pulse, we listen to the beats for 15 seconds and multiply that number by 4. This gives us the pulse rate per minute. If a Spider Monkey is asleep on the surgery table and she had 20 beats in those 15 seconds, what is the pulse rate per minute?

80 beats per minute.


The Tortoises get 35mg of calcium with their food every week. Based on a 7-day week how many mg of calcium should they get each day?

5mg of calcium a day.


I am nocturnal and I have a prehensile tail, what am I?

A Kinkajou.


At the end of the day, the cash register is closed out and a deposit must be made into the bank. The zoo had $200 in cash, $50 in checks, and $300 in credit card slips. Credit card slips do not get deposited into the bank. How much money will the zoo deposit for that day?

$250 will be deposited.


Each year the zoo is given $550,000 to spend on everything from vet supplies, animal food, maintenance jobs, etc… Well this year we need $150,000 more, how much is our new total?



When a procedure is performed the zoo has to keep track of the length of time for the whole procedure. If it took us 10 minutes to sedate the Zebra and bring him to the vet clinic, then 25 minutes to perform the surgery, and another 45 minutes to recover. How long was the procedure from sedation to recovery?

80 minutes or 1 hour and 20 minutes.


If the Flemish Giants get 800g of food to split between the four of them, how many grams do they get each?

200g of food each.


I am a mammal that can come in more than one color, what am I?

An American Black Bear.


Part of being the gift shop manager is to count the people who walk through the door. 2 weeks ago 200 people came to the zoo, the next week we doubled that. This week we had half of the amount from the first week. How many people visited the zoo during the past 3 weeks?

700 people.


The zoo’s vet budget is $100,000 per year. The zoo’s maintenance budget is $60,000 per year. Due to the increased costs of drugs, we must take half of the maintenance budget and add it to the vet budget. What is the new vet and maintenance budget going to be?

New vet budget is - $130,000 and the new maintenance budget is - $30,000.


The Coyote is on special medication for his arthritis and old age. We give him 10mg per kg of Rimadyl every day. If the Coyote weighs 30kg, how many mg of Rimadyl should he get?

300mg of Rimadyl.


If the Tamarins get 50g of veg and 70g of fruit in the morning and they also get 50g of veg and 70g of fruit in the afternoon, how many total grams of veg do they get in a day?

100g of vegetables.


I can learn up to 1,000 words if taught them and I am one of the clearest speakers of my kind, what am I?

An African Grey Parrot.