Public Health
Emergency Prep

 This knot can be used to tie a rope to a tree, boat or any object

Half hitch


This may be a result of improper handling of food during preparation 

Food borne illness 


When he founded the Scouting movement in the early 1900s, he encouraged every Scout to learn the art of living out-doors. He believed a young person able to take care of himself while camping would have the confidence to meet life’s other challenges, too.

Robert Baden-Powell


This pathogen is thought to originate in China, symptoms of infection by it include:  Fever,  Cough, Shortness of breath, Chills, Muscle pain, Headache, Sore throat , and loss of taste or smell

Corona Virus ( Covid-19 ) 


The preparation and planning necessary to effectively handle an emergency. It involves an emergency plan that should: identify required services, list needed resources to have on hand and be written/given to loved ones, care givers and other relevant parties.

Emergency Preparedness


This knot is practical for joining lines of different diameter or rigidity. It is quick and easy to tie, and is considered so essential it is the first knot given in the Ashley Book of Knots

Sheet Bend 


What bacteria is most likely to infect you if you consume raw meat?



It includes the following information: • Where you are going • From where and when you will depart • How you will reach the camp • What you will be doing • Who is going along • When you will return

Trip Plan 


When talking about diseases, rats, flees, ticks and wild animals are all examples of :

Vectors for transmission 


Which is not an aspects of emergency preparedness: Prevention, Protection, Regression, Mitigation, Response, Recovery 



Knot for securing lines running along a series of posts, belaying, starting lashings, weak binding...

Clove Hitch


This macro nutrient is present in large quantities in potatoes.  



Flowing principles are part of it: Plan ahead, travel and camp on durable surfaces, leave what you find, respect wildlife, minimize campfire impacts 

Leave no Trace 


In 2018, an estimated 405,000 people died of this disease —most were young children in sub-Saharan Africa. It occurs mostly in poor, tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Mosquito is responsible for high transmission rate...



When your clothes are on fire; those 3 steps can help save your life

Stop , Drop and Roll 


This knot forms a secure loop that will not jam and is easy to tie and untie. It is most commonly used for forming a fixed loop, large or small at the end of a line. However, because it does untie so easily it should not be trusted in a life or death situation such as mountain climbing. 



Fish and Avocado contain this kind of fat 

Unsaturated Fat, Omega-3 Fatty acids 


When Camping in certain areas ( Rockies, Andes )  you might be subject to this. It causes shortness of breath. To combat it you are advised to drink a lot of fluids to combat it.  

AMS - acute mountain sickness


Edward Jenner’s created this form of prevention to combat smallpox in the 1790s



With this item, you won’t have to gather necessary items when you are in a hurry. Just grab it

Emergency Kit 


This knot is a bend with a symmetrical structure consisting of two overhand knots, each tied around the standing part of the other. It is used for joining thin, stiff or slippery lines.... 

Fisherman's knot 


Name 10 cooking methods 

Baking, Boiling, Broiling, Frying, Simmering, Steaming, Griling, Foil cooking , Dutch Oven Cooking, Microwaving 


Getting rid of human waste outdoors requires special care. In campgrounds that have rest rooms or outhouses, be sure to use them. It there is no outhouses you will need find a private spot at least 200 feet (75 steps) from water, campsites, and trails. Dig a hole 6 to 8 inches deep with your heel, a stick, or a shovel. That hole is called: 



Organization which is directing and coordinating international health work. Its goal is for all peoples to get the highest possible standard of health." Its mission is to improve people's lives, to reduce the burdens of disease and poverty

World Health Organization ( WHO ) 


When using fire extinguisher what does P.A.S.S stands for  

(P)   Pull Pin 

(A)   Aim at base of fire 

(S)   Squeeze handle 

(S)   Sweep side to side