During the Zoom activity, everyone will be given a chance to participate. True or False?
True. Everyone who wishes to share or participate in the activity will be given the chance. It is important that we take turns sharing so that everyone has the opportunity to be heard.
Find a ________ area in your house to set up your learning station.
Quiet. A quiet area will allow you to focus on the activity. It will also make it easier for other participants to hear you when you are sharing.
It is important to be on time for your scheduled Zoom activities. True or False?
True. Being late could cause you to miss instructions. It could also be a distraction for the instructor and other participants.
Try to avoid ___________ at the same time as other participants.
Talking. This can be avoided by turning off (muting) your microphone when it is not your turn to share.
All program rules still apply when I am participating in a Zoom activity. True or False?
True. These include being respectful, listening to others and following directions.
When attending a Zoom activity, it is important to have good lighting. True or False?
True. Try to set up in a well lit room or near a window or lamp.
You should show up 5 ________ before your Zoom activity is scheduled to start.
Remember to ____________ when other participants are speaking.
Listen. Be polite and courteous to other participants. Even if it is not your turn to share, remember to listen and focus on the speaker.
Remember to turn _____ your microphone when you are not speaking.
Off. It is important that you turn off (or mute) your microphone when it is not your turn to share.
True. If you signed up for an activity which requires materials, remember to have them ready before you sign on.
I can wear my pajamas to a Zoom activity. True or False?
False. Put your best foot forward and dress as though you were attending your regular day program.
You should talk to other family members in the room or take phone calls when participating in a Zoom activity. True or False?
False. Do your best to stay focused on the activity. Side conversations are a distraction to yourself and others.
If you would like to speak, remember to raise your __________.
Hand. It is important for us to take turns and to speak one at a time. Things can get very confusing when we talk over one another!
Remember to put your iPad or laptop on a ___________ surface.
Flat. If you are using a cellphone, iPad or laptop to attend the Zoom activity, remember to set up on a flat surface so that your video is clear and steady.
You should do private things (such as using the restroom or blowing your nose) during a Zoom meeting. True or False?
False. Remember that people can see you and hear you if your camera is turned on!
Remember to eat and use the ______________ before starting a Zoom activity.
Bathroom. Remember, it can be distracting to others if you get up during the activity or if you do others activities at the same time. This includes eating, checking your phone, etc.
When you are speaking, remember to look straight into the __________.
Camera. When it is your turn to speak to the group, remember to look into the camera as though you were making eye contact with another person.
Make sure that your device is fully _________ or plugged in before starting a Zoom activity.
Charged. Be sure your device is plugged in or fully charged. You don't want to run out of battery during the activity!
You should leave your camera on throughout the Zoom activity. True or False?
True. Remember to leave your camera on even if it is not your turn to speak.
True. Remember to be polite and respectful to the other participants. Smile and show up with your best attitude!