What is the 1st book of the Bible?
God gave him the Ten Commandments
What did Jacob use as a pillow?
A rock
When Noah was on the ark, how many days did it rain?
40 Days
What was going up and down the ladder during Jacob's dream?
What did God provide for the Israelites to eat?
What is the Second Commandment?
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
What did God use to create Adam?
The dust of the ground
What does Yahweh mean?
How many brothers did Joseph have?
11 brothers. Wow!
What was the name of the sea that God parted for the Israelites to walk through?
The Red Sea
What was Jacob's twin brother's name?
How old was Moses when God spoke to him in the burning bush?
Moses was 80 years old
What did God use to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?
A pillar of smoke and a pillar of fire
What does the name Joseph mean?
Joseph means "He adds."
That answer was found on page 15 of the yellow student guide