What does PEMDAS stand for?
Which state of mind is task-focused?
Reasonable Mind
When should you use opposite action?
What is radical acceptance?
Complete and total acceptance of the facts of reality
What type of dog is Scooby-Doo?
Great Dane
How many infinity stones are there?
T/F: No one is in Wise Mind all the time
What is the first step when using opposite action?
Identify and name the emotion you want to change
How does DBT define suffering?
Pain + nonacceptance
What is this?
Bing Bong
Name all the planets in our solar system
What is Emotion Mind?
When you are ruled by your moods, feelings, and urges to do or say things. When facts, reason, and logic are not important.
T/F: Using opposite action means the initial emotion was wrong (i.e. you shouldn’t have felt that way)
False. It just means the initial emotion urge might not be effective. Emotions are always valid, just not always sound!
T/F: Accepting something is the same as being in approval of it
Name all the Backstreet Boys
Solid Snake is the hero of what video game franchise?
Metal Gear
What is the difference between Observing and Describing?
What is an opposite action for Anger?
Name two Reality Acceptance Skills.
What traits are represented by The Triforce?
What mainland U.S. city is affectionally referred to as “the ninth island of Hawai’i?”
Las Vegas
Name a goal of Mindfulness Practice
Name a goal of Emotion Regulation
What is Willingness?
Readiness to enter and participate fully in life and living. To do what is needed, wholeheartedly, without dragging your feet.
What musical instrument translates to “jumping flea” in Hawaiian?