Main hormone involved in the let down reflex
Most common site of ectopic breast tissue
Embryonic structure that gives rise to the round ligament of the uterus
Testis, thymus, thyroid, pineal. Which is the odd one out?
Thymus - not endocrine gland.
Eclampsia comes from the ancient greek word for?
Myoepithelial cells are _________ in invasive breast cancer
The urinary system develops from ________ mesoderm?
There are two main types of breast stroma. Which is more dense and collagenous?
Interlobular stroma
Who can convert DHEA-S to DHEA - mother, placenta or fetus? And what is the enzyme?
Placenta. Sulfatase
Slit like glands are seen in which breast pathology
Failure of formation of the secondary palate results in _____ .
Cleft palate
TDLU. What does it stand for and what anatomical structures contribute to it?
Terminal duct lobular unit.
Extralobular terminal duct + intralobular terminal duct + acini
Progesterone remains and milk won't come in - no rise in prolactin
What are Paget cells?
Malignant cells in the epidermis of the nipple, seen in Paget's disease of the nipple - breast cancer
The superior parathyroid glands originate from which pharyngeal pouch
Describe the course of the pudendal nerve
Originates S2-4. Exits pelvis through greater sciatic foramen. Travels posterior to sacrospinous ligament. Enters perineum via lesser sciatic foramen. Runs anteriorly in pudendal canal. Supplies structures in perineum.
Prolactin is normally inhibited by ______ (neurotransmitter) released from _______ (part of the brain - be specific)
Palpable breast lump. Histology shows foamy histiocytes and giant cells. Patient has history of breast surgery. What is the pathology?
Fat necrosis. Mimics breast cancer. Histiocytes = macrophages
What is the name of the early embryological structure that gives rise to the anterior pituitary?
Rathke's pouch