What is the double-layered sac that surrounds, anchors, and protects the heart?
Name the two semilunar valves.
Aortic semilunar valve and pulmonary semilunar valve
Which 2 chambers of the heart are connected to the pulmonary vessels?
Right ventricle (blood leaves heart via pulmonary artery); left atrium (blood enters heart via the left atrium)
aortic arch
The two numbers in a blood pressure measurement are the _____ and _____ pressures.
cardiac skeleton
Between which two structures is the tricuspid valve located?
Right atrium and right ventricle
Veins carry (deoxygentated, oxygenated) blood (toward, away from) the heart.
Arteries carry (deoxygentated, oxygenated) blood (toward, away from) the heart.
Veins carry deoxygentated blood towards the heart.
Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart.
The brachiocephalic artery branches into which two arteries?
Right carotid and right subclavian arteries
What happens to blood vessels and blood pressure if you increase vasomotor tone?
What do coronary arteries and cardiac veins do?
Arteries supply blood to the heart muscle, veins drain the blood.
Between what two structures is the pulmonary valve located?
Right ventricle and pulmonary trunk
Tunica intima, tunica media, tunica adventitia
Blood leaves the heart via the _____ (vessels) and returns to the heart via the ______ (vessels).
arteries; veins
What receptors are activated by stretching of the arteries and adjust to maintain normal blood pressure?
The depolarization of the ventricles makes up what part of an EKG/ECG?
QRS Complex
Which of the following does NOT contain valves:
the heart, lymphatic vessels, capillaries, veins
Starting at the aorta, list the following vessels in the order that blood would flow through them:
venules, arteries, veins, capillaries, arterioles
arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins
Where does the hepatic portal vein transport blood?
To the liver
Arteriosclerosis makes arteries less _____
Cardiac action potentials are longer than skeletal muscle action potentials due to the ______ phase of the action potential.
Muscular pillars located in the ventricles that anchor chordae tendinae are known as
papillary muscles
Precapillary sphincters
Exchange across capillary walls happens via what process?
What is heart rate? What is stroke volume?
Heart rate is the number of beats per minute. Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped per heartbeat.