Which one of us is the "Customer"
What is: We are ALL Customers!
Complete set of employment tools for job seekers. Here, someone can search jobs, create resumes, and find education & Training. Also used by Case workers to create profiles and document service.
What is EmployNV
Difficult behaviors/personalities displayed by customer that are hard to deal with. (Examples: Expert, passive, negative)
What are Negative Customer Attitudes
Know it all, Acts superior & condescending, has opinion on every subject, arrogant tone and posture.
What is "Expert"
"A harmonious connection and empathetic relation"
What is Rapport
Type of skills that include positive attitude, communication, teamwork, time management, and growth mindset.
What are Soft Skills
Asking specific demographic information in order to see if the job seeker qualifies for additional services.
What is determine eligibility
A document created by a job seeker to give/send to potential employers that states their name, contact information, previous relevant experience and job skills.
What is a resume
Complains about everything, life is unfair, doesn't accept responsibility, blames others, wants sympathy.
What is "Complainer"
"Any need or desire that causes us to act" (Can be Positive or Negative)
What is Motivation
End goal from Effective Customer-Centered Interviews
What is obtain/retain employment.
Plan created that helps customer identify steps to getting the work, timeline of steps, and help guide customer to obtain goals.
What is Action Plan
Circumstances that keep customers from communicating or progressing
What is a Barrier
Withdrawn, refuses to participate, does not want to create conflict, goes along with other's wants
What is "Passive"
Types of questions that can be answered with "yes" or "No". Allows for direct interviewing, secures specific information quickly, eliminates explanations.
What are closed-ended questions.
Fully concentrating on what is being said rather than passively hearing the message of the speaker.
What is Active Listening
55% Body Language; 38% Tone of Voice; 7% Words
What is Face-to-Face communication
A case worker's prejudice/preconceived opinion about a job seeker based on opinion, not facts.
What is Personal Bias
Likes to criticize and belittle others, talks behind people's backs, explodes in anger, uses jokes/sarcasm to put down others
What is "Attacker"
Locking computer, keeping paperwork secured/filed, talking quietly, security cabinets/files, not telling others medical/personal information.
What is Maintaining Confidentiality.
Business: "Product or Service"; Human: "To be acknowledged as a person & individual"
What are the Needs of the Customer
A United States federal law that established a nationwide system of public employment offices, know as the Employment Service. (Est. 1933)
What is the Wagner-Peyser Act
Training that emphasizes skills and knowledge required for a particular job function or a trade.
What is Vocational Training
Manipulative, disregards others' feelings, likes to control situations, interrupts, wins at any cost
What is "Controller"
Official record that provides the "story"; can be used as legal documentation
What are Case Notes.