What is Extroversion?
A person who is outgoing and talkative, it is one of the five central personality traits.
What is health?
What is a stressor?
What is the definition of an eating disorder?
A eating disorder is a mental disorder that displays itself through abnormal behaviors related to food.
What are mental disorders?
Illness that affects mind and reduces the ability to function and get along with others.
What is an example of a learned emotion?
What is an example of how heredity can affect your health?
-Fair skin (Skin cancer)
-Breast cancer (Genetically)
List two examples of a major life change.
-Graduating high school
-Death of a parent
(Anything that threaten security and self-esteem)
What are the three major eating disorders?
-Anorexia Nervosa
-Binge Eating Disorder
List two anxiety disorders.
-Generalized anxiety disorder
-Panic attack
-Obsessive compulsive disorder
-Post-traumatic stress disorder
Describe self-esteem in adolescence?
Adolescents are usually critical, judgmental, and generally have a low self esteem.
What are the two different types of consequences?
Short term and long term.
What is the initial reaction to stress, and what changes happen to the body?
Your body's initial response to stress is fight of flight response, changes include adrenaline. (Muscle tension, increased heart and breathing rate)
List the symptoms for anorexia nervosa.
-Extreme weight loss
-Slowed heart
-Slowed Breathing
-Lowered body temp.
-Dry skin
How does schizophrenia affect one's mind?
Schizophrenia affect one's mind by creating a "split mind" from reality. They have severe disturbances in thinking, mood, awareness, and behavior.
What is the first stage of personality development?
-Gaining awareness
-Gaining knowledge
-Building health skills
List three effects of time management.
-Get more done every day
-Feel more controlled in your life
-Having more fun and developing relationships
What eating disorder has the health risk of kidney damage, lack of vitamins, and enamel erosion?
What are the four mental health professionals?
-Clinical psychologist
-Social worker/Psychiatric Social Worker
-Mental health counselor
What are the stages to self-actualization?
-Physical needs
State the DECIDE process.
D-define the problem
E-explore the alternatives
C-consider the consequences
I-identify your values
D-decide and act
E-evaluate the result
List the 5 effects of stress on health.
-Lowered resistance to disease
-Heart disease
What are the treatments for anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating disorder?
Anorexia nervosa
-Treatment in hospital to stop weight loss and eating habits
-Mental health expert
Binge Eating Disorder
-Treatment to help realize how to control eating, and eating slowly
Describe the three groups of personality disorders.
Group A
-Cold and distant
-Cannot form close relationships
Group B
-Overly emotional or unstable
-Selfish and demanding
Group C
-Constant need for approval