Set of questions/stimuli with predefined correct answers & deviations can impact results
Standardized test
Can you repeat the test and get the same score
What is phonological disorder?
Pairs of words that the child produces as homonyms
1. child learns word pairs
2. child receptively identifies word pairs (auditory descrimination)
3. child produces the words
What is the minimal pairs approach?
What specific behavior will you target
What are goals?
Subtypes of formal tests
Norm referenced and criterion referenced
spider - pider
What is cluster reduction?
contrast approach for children with limited sound interventions who exhibit sound preference (multiple sounds are substituted with the same sound)
What is the multiple oppositions approach?
Who will teach, venue, session format, resource/stimuli, level of structure, social/emotional valence
What is context?
individuals are compared and ranked relative to a large group & scores are reported as percentile rankings
How well do the scores correlate with the scores of other language tests that evaluate the same skills
What is velar fronting?
mirrors the natural development of phonology in young children where many processes are developed gradually over time by mastering easiest words first
Prompting child to produce words depicted on picture cards & Providing knowledge of results feedback after trials
Teaching moment
Observations in unstructured environments, language samples in semi-structured environments, reports from parents, teacher or child
Informal assessment
Does the test measure the skills that it's designed to measure and does it measure those skills accurately?
What is validity?
Motor component that affects the ability to clearly articulate specific sounds and syllables in words
What is articulation disorder?
Require motor activities, emphasis on correcting the motor pattern for individual sounds, approaches primarily begin at isolation level, appropriate for when sound is being attempted, but the motor pattern is imprecise
Describe a traditional articulation approach
Teaching moment
naturalistic contexts into child's real life, chance to build rapport with child, complexity of interactions between speech and language skills.
Why are informal assessments important?
Do you get similar answers to similar questions on the assessment
What is internal reliability?
May have no known etiology or may be associated with another impairment that impacts oral function or sensory perception
What is articulation disorder?
Articulation therapy includes a lot of...
Intensity (frequency, duration, dosage), Training, Evaluation (criterion based, prescribed)