The same information on each page of a document
What is a header
A text style used to create decorative effects in a presentation.
What is WordArt
The opening line of a business letter, such as Dear Mrs. Smith, is called the:
Salutation or greeting
A prebuilt document with placeholders and formatting already in place, into which text and objects are inserted.
What is a template
A tickler is used for what reason
What is a reminder system
In a business letter, proper grammar and spelling are very important. Which of the following can assist in ensuring proper grammar and spelling?
What is using the Review tab, and Changes group to accept or reject changes
Text that displays at the bottom of every slide or that prints at the bottom of a sheet of slide handouts
What is a footer
Combines mail and letters and pre-addressed envelopes/mailing labels for mass mailings
What is mail merging
Reserved spaces in a template document into which you enter your own text are referred to as:
What is placeholder text
A tickler must include these
What is name of client, name of lawyer/paralegal. comments, date initiated, date of event
The option that allows users to view all changes made to a document is:
What is track changes
A motion effect that occurs in Slide Show view when you move from one slide to the next during a presentation.
What is a transition
Name 2 types of Data sources that can be used when mail merging.
What is word and excel
Word2013/2016 templates use a _______________ file extension.
What is .doct
Benefits of using a tickler system
What is office efficiency
The steps to creating a table
What is insert and use the table tab
View that displays the current slide, notes, and preview of upcoming slide to the presenter.
What is presenter view
In the Start Mail Merge group, click the ________ button to create a new data source.
Type new list
When you create a document in Word2016 with a new blank document, you use the ________________ template
What is blank
Failure to meet deadlines could result in
What is malpractice
When saving word processed documents so that they may be viewed on any system, regardless of software version or type, which file type is best?
What is a PDF or .pdf
The command used to insert slides from another presentation.
What is reuse slides
This document contains the text that remains constant during the mail merge process:
The main document
Template letters are often referred to as __________letters
What is a precedent letter
A file should have approximately how many ticklers
What is 3- hearing date, evidence due, meeting with client