How long is a Med Cert valid for?
How long is a Med Cert valid for?
30 Days
Where could i find a Medical Cert in CCS?
Credit Details
What color is production CCS?
What payment plan allows customer to have the same payment every month?
What Icon can we find the last time a bill was paid?
Why type of order is needed for an inspection on inside meters?
DOT (Dept Of Transportation Inspection)
What payment plan is accessed by the State of Ohio?
Where do we find a co applicant?
Acct details
How long should a customer be on hold before a check in?
2-3 minutes
What are 4 things we should update and mention on every call?
MYA, EBILL, Email, Opt in/out
How can we find current supplier?
Who are the best Trainers and the BEST class for wave 2?
James and Emily, James class
What is the service order a "customer wanted" date could be marked?
Turn On
Where can we go to find where the meter is located?
Billing detail-Utility
Who do we call if we are going to be absent?