Problems? What Problems?
Relapse Prevention
DBT Skills
Affect Stuff
Don't Worry Be Happy

Finish the sentence...

Getting clean and sober does not make your life better, __________________

It makes you better at dealing with your life


What does the "L" in HALT stand for?



What does it mean to be mindful? 

Being mindful is a way of living awake with our eyes wide open. The act of consciously focusing the mind in the moment without judgment or attachment. It is the practice of bringing the mind back to the current moment over and over again. Meditation is a form of mindfulness. It is estimated that 95% of our lives we are simply existing, and it is only 5% of our time that we are self-aware...we are truly operating from our conscious mind.


What is the name of the public chat area for Member in the app? 



What are the reasons we open group with this thing? 

We do this- to work on being better able to identify emotions and talk about them.


Name at least two reasons your Counselor has asked you to create a basic self-care schedule and to get a planner? 

1. To better manage your time
2. To improve self-care
3. In order to create structure
4. It will help to heal your brain
5. Substance use highly impacts this part of your brain
6. So you will  notice when you are getting off track


Why is it so important to HALT every day? 

The addiction part of your brain responds to being hungry, angry, lonely, or tired- as an impulse to use substances. 


What does D B T stand for? 

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy


If you are in the opioid stimulant or marijuana program---you must complete a UA during your individual counseling session in order to get the reward. 


You receive a payment for doing the UA and an additional amount when your UA is free from your drug of choice. NO PAYMENT IF NO UA


What does the DOPAMINE chemical do in your brain? 

Dopamine, commonly considered the ‘happiness chemical’, is often misunderstood. Dopamine is more involved in the anticipation of an event or feeling than in the actual feeling of happiness. Dopamine is considered to be a ‘reward chemical’, as it its release is driven by reward seeking behaviour.



What are Poo Squares and Splatter Squares

A Poo square refers to obvious high risk situations in recovery, that you should be able to avoid. 

A Splatter Square is a surprise situation, that you were not prepared to deal with--the first time you encounter it. 


What is the best way to stay on track with your HALT goals? 

Creating a daily self-care routine- with HALT goals. 


What is the difference between EMOTION MIND and LOGIC MIND?

Emotion Mind=A person is in Emotion Mind when their emotions are in control.

Logic Mind

A person in Logic Mind seems calm, cool, and collected. They approach a situation with knowledge intellectually. They are thinking logically or rationally- discounting the emotional needs. 


Can you attend Affect for counseling and groups if you do not have good wifi and sound/video available on your phone or other device? 

NO--you will be given and opportunity to fix the problem but it is a requirement by state law that you have private wifi and sound/video. If you lose ability to connect- you can reapply once the problem is solved. 


What is THE CATASTROPHE mind trap? 

We get caught in the Catastrophe Trap when we exaggerate even our smallest troubles, turning them into major crises.


Describe the different levels of setting boundaries 

 The strongest boundaries need to be set for problems that put you and your recovery in danger, those poo squares! 

The yellow zone represents low-level stuff that will annoy you but is not exactly earth shattering and you can deal with. Like communicating with some people by only text- not in person. 


What are the THREE stages of relapse? 

1. Emotional
2. Mental
3. Physical 


What does the DBT tool A.C.C.E.P.T.S. stand for? 


What is a ROI-or Release of Information for? 

A ROI is a document that must be signed by the Member, in order for information to be released. Example- confirmation of attendance, for a PO, attorney or DFS. 


Name 3 signs of Serotonin Deficiency

  • low self-esteem

  • being overly sensitive and emotional

  • anxiety and panic attacks

  • mood swings

  • depression and feeling hopeless

  • social phobia

  • obsessive-compulsive disorders

  • insomnia


Name 3 things that are necessary to Begin Solving Your Problems- from group last week

-A willingness to accept the fact that there are problems that need to be solved

-A willingness to believe that there is a solution for whatever problems exist

-A willingness to examine specific problems

-A willingness to find solutions to these problems

-A willingness to make changes in yourself in order to solve the problem


According to the Story of Bubba- what are the SIX thinks that make a person more likely to develop addiction from birth???

  1. Genetics 

2. Mental Health

3. Social Environment 

4. Use before 18

5. Being Male

6. Access to Substances 


Describe how you would use the WISE MIND skill

A person using Wise Mind uses some input from both the Emotion Mind and some input from Logic Mind and then adds intuitive knowing. This person focuses on getting things done effectively and the focus is on the experience.Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression associated with variations of light. Usually happens in the Winter. Can be diagnosed if experienced 3 sequential winter periods.



What does the Peer Support Specialist do???

Peer support specialists use their lived experience and formal training to help people recover and build resiliency. Can be additional support for your recovery--they offer individual meetings and support groups here at Affect. 


What are the D.O.S.E. brain chemicals that we learned about during the Happy  Challenge? 

Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins
