Substances in food that your body needs for growth, repair, and energy.
A tough complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digest
Which type of nutrient is not an energy source?
Micronutrients (Vitamins, Water, and Minerals)
What is the very first thing on a food nutrition facts panel?
Serving Size
Name the FIVE food groups from MyPlate.
Fruits, Grains, Vegetables, Protein, Dairy
The energy in food, or used by activity, is measured in a unit of ______
Waxy, fatlike substance found in blood that impacts the heart
Name the three types of fats we discussed
Unsaturated, Saturated, Trans
When in doubt, do what to a dented can?
Throw it out
Which nutrients acts as your MAIN source of energy?
The natural, physical drive to eat when your body needs food
Compounds found in food that help regulate body processes. They are a micro nutrient and can be water/fat soluble.
How many total amino acids does your body need?
A condition in which the body's immune system reacts to substances in foods
Food Allergy
Give me all of the food group "catchy" sayings
Vary your veggies
Focus on your fruits
Make half your grains whole
Go lean on protein
Explain Simple vs Complex Carbohydrates
Simple=Quick burst of energy w/ bigger crash
Complex=Build up and stored energy that will expand out over time longer
Starches, and sugars in food that provide most of the body's energy
What are the fat soluble vitamins? What are the water soluble vitamins?
Fat Soluble- A,D,E,K
Water Soluble- B,C
A negative reaction to food that does not involve the immune system
Food Intolerance
How are ingredients listed on a food label?
Decreasing order by weight
"Mindless Eating" or binge eating can cause you to do what?
Gain weight
Nutrients that your body uses to build and maintain its cells
Elements found in food that your body uses
Method for treating food with heat to kill or slow the growth of pathogens
Complete proteins contain what?
ALL amino acids