heart attack, stroke, epilepsy
burns, bites and stings
fractures and dislocations
diabetes, asthma, anaphylaxis

What is a common symptom of a heart attack?

Chest pain or discomfort, which may be accompanied by pain in the arms, back, neck, or jaw, shortness of breath, or nausea.


Outline the roles of DRSABCD

Danger: check for danger first for yourself, then bystanders and then the casualty  

Response: check for response of the casualty

Send for help: call/or get someone else to call 000 

Airway: open mouth and check for foreign material. If so place in recovery position + clear the airway with 2 fingers  

Breathing: LOOK! LISTEN! FEEL! For breathing 

CPR: start CPR  (30 compressions: 2 breaths) 

Defibrillation:  apply defibrillator if available     


List some visible signs of a burn? What is the first step you should take if someone has a minor burn?

Signs: Swelling, redness, blistering 

Gently cool the burn under cool running water for at least 10 minutes.


Outline the RICE acronym

Rest, Ice, compress and elevation


Define anaphylaxis

A life threatening allergic reaction. Can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure


If someone is having a seizure, what should you do to ensure their safety?

Move any nearby dangerous objects away from the person and place a soft cushion or cloth under their head. Do not try to restrain their movements or put anything in their mouth.


What is depth of compression and positioning

On back, head tilt, chin lift, one-third depth of chest. position of shoulder and arms directly over chest


How should you treat a snake bite?

Call 000. Apply a pressure immobilisation bandage. Immobilise limb with a splint 


How should a first aider approach a patient with dislocation?

Unless the first aider is a medical specialist, do not attempt to reposition. Patient should rest in a comfortable position until medical attention arrives


What is a common symptom of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in a person with diabetes?

Symptoms of low blood sugar can include shakiness, sweating, confusion, irritability, and dizziness.


Define what an epilepsy is

Epilepsy is a seizure triggered by an abnormally high discharge of electrical activity to the brain.


When should the first aider stop CPR

Until defib, help arrives or patient recovers


What are the first aid steps to treating a bee sting?

Remove sting by scraping or flicking sideways (do not squeeze). Apply cold compress to reduce swelling and pain. Monitor for allergic reactions. Seek medical advice


What are the common signs of a fracture?

Swelling, Deformity, Loss of movement, Extreme pain 


How should you use an epinephrine auto-injector if someone has a severe allergic reaction?

Inject the epinephrine into the outer thigh and call emergency services immediately.


List 5 possible signs and symptoms of a heart attack

Discomfort in the middle of the chest, Possible pain in arm and neck, Irregular pulse, Shortness of breath, Pale cool, sweating skin, Collapse, Shock 


What are the key steps in performing CPR on a child or infant?

Use one or two hands and compress to a depth of about 2 inches. For an infant, use two fingers and compress to a depth of about 1.5 inches.


What is the appropriate first aid treatment for a chemical burn?

Remove any contaminated clothing and rinse the affected area with lukewarm water for at least 20 minutes. Ensure that the water is not too hot or too cold.


Differentiate the different types of fractures

HINT: open, closed & complicated

Open → wound exposing at fracture site or bone is protruding from skin 

Closed → bone is fractured but no obvious external wound

Complicated → damage to vital organs and major blood vessels


How can you tell if someone is having low blood sugar versus high blood sugar?

Low blood sugar often causes shakiness and confusion, while high blood sugar may cause extreme thirst and frequent urination.


What is the first step in managing a suspected heart attack while waiting for professional help to arrive?

Have the person sit down and try to keep calm. If they are conscious and able, administer aspirin (unless contraindicated) to help prevent further blood clotting. Ensure they are monitored for any worsening symptoms, and provide reassurance until medical help arrives.


How should CPR be adjusted for a victim with a suspected spinal injury?

Minimise movement of the head and neck, perform chest compressions with minimal to no movement of the torso, and use a jaw-thrust manoeuvre for opening the airway if trained.


Differentiate 1st, 2nd and third degree burn

1st - This type of burn affects only the outer layer of skin.

2nd - This type of burn involves both the outer and inner layers of skin and may blister.

3rd - This type of burn extends through all layers of the skin and may require surgical intervention.


One of your teammates tripped and fell down really hard on their arm. Administer first aid accordingly with the bandage.


What information is helpful to give to emergency responders if someone is having a severe asthma attack or allergic reaction?

Provide details about the person’s medical condition, what symptoms they are experiencing, and any treatments or medications they have used.
