History 1
History 2
History 3
History 4
History 5

Describe the lives of big game hunters

They migrated north and made tools for hunting (atlatl) and they domesticated dogs for work and protection. 


What 2 types of technology improved the lives of early humans? (pg. 47)

The bow and arrow helped with hunting, and pottery vessels improved food storage and cooking methods.


Summarize how Native American people may have dressed? 

They had tattoos and piercings, and men had district hairstyles. they also wore moccasins, leggings, and skirts from animal hide.


What is the difference between relative and absolute dating?

Relative dating is dating artifacts in the relation that they are found, Absolute dating is when they use radiocarbon dating to approximate a date for the artifacts.


Why did Coronado want to explore present-day Kansas? What did he find?

Wanting to find the place of Quivira that had many riches; but found nothing but the plains of present day kansas and exploration of kansas did not start until 10 years later


What was the purpose of Fort Orleans and Fort Cavagnial? 

French leaders wanted Bourgmont to set up a fort on the Missouri river, which was called Fort Orleans. Then the British  became increasingly interested in trade, and the goods they offered were superior to those from the french. So to help regulate the fur trade they( French) created Fort Cavagnial.



Why did tensions increase between the French and Native Americans?

The French were not able to make alliances and could not provide some of the items that Native Americans wanted; and also the British are starting to explore and trade with Native American tribes.


How did the Kiowa tribe record their history? What type of information was recorded?           

They recorded it on animal hides ( pictures/stories) And they were of their victories and achievements (hunting/wars) and the hides were put on tipis so people would know whose home it was.


List some reasons why European explorers wanted to explore North America?

The Europeans wanted a bigger share of trade, gold natural resources,religion 


What allowed for Native American tribes to go from a nomadic lifestyle to a permanent lifestyle?

  1. -  Due to the agricultural revolution we turned from traveling to growing crops and staying where we were to grow them.


What was the European impact on Native American tribes? List both positive and negative effects.  

 The Europeans brought in new goods like ammunition but the biggest impact was the diseases they brought in to the Indians in which they did not have the immunity to deal with.


How did agriculture change the lives of those living on the plains during this period?

Planting seeds then leads to growing crops which leads to a steady supply of food. People then lived in one place rather than being nomadic.  


Why was trade and bartering important to the Native American tribes? What were the benefits? What might be evidence to archaeologists that trading occurred?

Benefits- More advanced weapons, horses, introduction of new technology to make lives easier, evidence- artifacts would come from different areas (guns would not have been produced in KS gold/ seashells were not native in KS)                          


What types of crops were grown? 

Corn, Squash, Pumpkin, beans, sunflower


Compare and contrast Wichita and Pawnee homes.

  1. - Wichita- Beehive shaped homes with grass lodges with a door in the front near the ground that rose slowly up to let in light. Pawnee- Round homes with grass on top of a wooden structure + packed soil. (Both have grasses but only one covers theirs in soil.


Why were some plains Indians nomadic and others permanent?

The nomadic peoples had a scarcity of water so they could not grow plants and instead hunted buffalo, whilst the peoples who grew crops had good soil. Due to the lack of meat and lack of water, they traded to provide for one another.


What was one of the first hunting tools?

The atlatl and or bow and arrow


Who created the names for Kansas and Missouri?  

- Louis Jolliet


How did the horse impact Native American tribes?  

The horse made distance traveling easier
